The election results in Mexico are about to be finalized. It might have been stolen. It rubs our own wounds of 2000 and 2004 raw. I have not gotten over 2000 and never will.
So it is understandable that there have been a spate of threads here with the sentiments of Mexicans-fighting-for-Democracy, and OBRADOR-doing-what-GORE/KERRY-didn’t, and Liberty-needs-the-blood-of-patriots.
I am no defeatist, do not advocate just rolling over for fraudulent results, did NOT like Joementum’s behavior during the Florida theft. But, actually, I rapidly became disgusted with Joementum as soon as he proved not to be a pit bull in campaigning and kissed CHEENEE’s ass during his so-called debate.
But in the tradition that Libs look inward critically while wingnuts look outward: Perhaps whatever GORE chose to do was doomed. SCOTUS was stacked, and they hung their case on his not having asked for a FULL recount---probably if he HAD asked for a full recount, they would have played Lucy-football and claimed he only should have targeted, etc.
But one simple truth about 2000 is that Shrub and his flying monkeys WANTED IT, really really WANTED IT, and were prepared to do ANYTHING, and put the MONEY behind it, and WENT FOR THE JUGULAR. GORE chose Joementum as his running mate and GORE chose his gentlemanly, courtly lawyers, with the smartest-boy-in-class-reputations to handle the Florida strategy. Here's a question: Why don't Dems hire the DEM lawyers that Repukes like LIMBOsevic hire?
The solution is simple, here, in Mexico, everywhere: To avoid stolen elections, WIN BY AN UNSTEALABLE MARGIN.
It is well known that if every single eligible voter actually voted there would not be a Repuke in office ANYWHERE. The vast majority of our Dem constituencies just PLAIN DON’T VOTE. I am still amazed, less to encounter apathetic non-voters, than to encounter beneficiaries of all the Dem programs---veterans’ benefits, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security---who DO vote and vote for Shrub, blithely unaware that if Shrub could REALLY do all he wanted he would obliterate all of those programs.
To WIN BY AN UNSTEALABLE MARGIN, what we need are:
* A candidate with the common touch, with real-life experience, who has had the hard knocks most people have had in their lives, and has the basics of old fashioned Rhetoric down pat.
* A focus on voter turn-out.
A re-post regarding Mexico: "There are ayatollahs on BOTH the Right AND the Left."
Who said that? My arch pick-upon, Tweety. Quoting him in agreement on this is probably the ONLY positive thing I have ever said about him.
I agree with nadinbrzezinski. As I said a month or two ago, I have contacts in Mexico. They are uniformly PAN, speak of the corruption of the old PRI and of their fear of AMLO. They are not rich. They are what would pass for the small slice of "middle class" and are afraid that victory for AMLO would mean losing what little they have scraped up for themselves, that whatever economic pinch to come will be from THEIR pockets, not from the Super Rich who won't feel a thing.
So, the first re-post below is mine. The second is something I hope is also "reality based" as opposed to pie-in-the-sky, purist-Green/type "idealism".
And to clarify, I do not impute violence EITHER to the PRD or the PAN, but to the government's military. And our purists here hoping for a confrontation sound like Shrub: We-want-Mexico(substitute "Iraq")-to-stand-up-for-democracy. AND: Better-to-stand-up-for-it-OVER-THERE-than-HERE. 45. I agree that any blood shed will be on AMLO's hands
While a very vocal bloc here at DU roots for the Mexicans to protest vigorously the interpretation of the voting results, based on our own frustration over 2000 and 2004, two things:
1) GORE and KERRY are not the first to have experienced stolen elections here and NOT to have blown up the country in protest. Even Tricky Dick thought that the good-of-the-country would have been jeopardized by his contesting 1960.
2) Unfortunately, in Mexico the protest will likely be so vigorous that Mexican blood will be spilled. That is, the poorest people will suffer most of all---again.
It is too facile for those here who are cheering on the confrontation over there. It smacks of the eternal one-U.S.-life-is-worth-THOUSANDS-of-foreigners.
When the blood flows over there, there will be crocodile tears flowing here. My tears will be real.
*************QUOTE********** ...
ConservativeDemocrat (669 posts)
55. I don't think it'll be as bad as that...
Obrador will whine for a while longer, stage a few protests, and continue to alienate all but his most hardcore supporters. (This is already happening in Mexico D.F., where people are getting tired of having their already-bad commutes turned into absolute nightmares.)
Eventually, a super-majority of Mexicans will come to the position of the European Union election monitors, who stated that there were no irregularities in the election that could have affected the transparency of the results, and the whole thing will blow over.
Hopefully Calderon will continue to make overtures to disappointed PRDistas, and as a result, have a successful Presidency by following a middle-road.
- C.D. Proud Member of the Reality Based Community