I hope this makes sense to all of you without the context of the post from a conservative that proceeded it; I just hit 'the groove' writing this in response to something I was directed by DU to read on a site called 'olbermanwatch', and I thought I'd share.
Normally, I don't go to the other side of the fence to throw punches, but Olberman's piece was really an inspiration:'
The 'liberal definition of manhood'? You're hilarious. Seriously, you're making me laugh.
Tell us everything you know about Liberal Progressivism; enthrall us with your acumen, why don't you?
I can't wait to hear your take, your sage, studied, researched and reasoned thinking on the matter. For clearly, you've studied us. I would imagine your library is lined floor-to-cieling with volumes and volumes and volumes. You have a library in your trailer, right?
For instance; why don't you give us all a rundown on the history of the development of the movement; major thinkers, historical milestones, important books. I'll happily do the same on the origins and evoloution of modern conservatism and it's subsequent degeneration in to neoconservative crap.
Just curious, tough guy; why aren't you in Iraq?
If so strong is your faith in the cause, if so just is the President, if he's indeed been installed by God the Almighty to lead America and if you're such a tough guy, what's keeping you out of the fight against terror?
Hiding behind my keyboard? I don't see your home address on any of your posts, bruiser. And I don't see you filing from Basra, either.
And for the record; those of us on the left are interested in CHECKING power run amok; you're confusing us with people who slather at the prospect of unlimited power, unlimited money, and equally unlimited corruption.
You know; the Republicans with more money than you.
The kind that prey on fear and prejudice for personal advantage; fear and prejudice which you have completely demonstrated you have in spades.
Politics works this way, on both sides of the aisle:
It's the art of getting money from the rich and votes from the poor by promising to protect each party from the other.
Liberals scream that you have to hate oil companies and the exclusivity of whites-only country clubs to their constituents that are poor, and then turn around and collect money from the wealthy by insinuating that everybody who lives in the south is a fucking ignorant anti-science redneck retard that we must defend against.
Conservatives scream that you have to hate Hollywood and the ACLU and the UN to their poor constituents, and then turn around and get money from their rich donors by promising to protect them from Mexicans, Niggers and Faggots.
Any time I read something by an angry guy named 'riverdog', it's really not that hard to extrapolate who you are:
You're the middle-class to poor blue-collar guy on the GOP side of the aisle who's been told that he has to hate Hollywood, and Fags, and Limousine Liberals (though most of us are now in low-emmission vehicles, because we give a shit about our country and it's future, beyond next week).
And the actuality is that you're probably a reasonably good guy that has a lot of friends and enjoys a beer and a foot ballgame and a barbeque. Or a few beers and a few football games and a lot of barbeque.
Just like the guys on our side.
Yet, you've bought in to it.
And because you subscribe to hate, well, that makes you kind of a sucker. Notice; I'm not calling you a racist or a homophobe; I'm calling you a sucker.
The kind who unwittingly follows some bad, bad people who claim to share your religious faith, the easiest lie a politician will *ever* tell you.
The next time you listen to Rush; ask yourself how many times an hour he gives you an admonition to hate another, for whatever reason.
Then ask yourself exactly how Christian that kind of rhetoric is.
Then ask yourself how much you're getting used by these guys. Have you had that beer yet with the President? Hit the links with Rush lately?"