Tonight, PBS’s NOW will tackle the trend of restrictive voting laws that have been emerging across the country in recent years. Featured on the show – and setting the record straight – will be two People For the American Way Foundation leaders:
• Georgia Representative Alisha Thomas Morgan, of PFAW Foundation’s Young Elected Officials Network, is an ardent defender of democracy and leading advocate against an overly restrictive voter identification law passed in Georgia that was struck down in court as unconstitutional (now on appeal in the 11th Circuit Appeals Court).
• David Becker, a Senior Attorney for PFAW Foundation working on civil rights and voting rights issues, brings his informed perspective to the discussion, having worked for several years in the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.
If you want to know why People For’s extensive work on our nation’s voting problems is one of the most important acts of civic engagement currently underway, you won’t want to miss this program.
Check your local listings for the exact time and station at show will not only address the impact these restrictive laws have on voters and the future direction of our nation, but also the role the federal government has played in allowing them to stand – particularly, it will raise the critical question of whether the Department of Justice has simply been negligent in enforcing the Voting Rights Act and other civil rights laws, or worse, if it’s been actively complicit in allowing laws that result in voter suppression.
Don’t miss PBS’s NOW tonight to see two People For experts lay out the facts. The story would not be complete without their important voices.
You can read more about the show at, where streaming video of the program will also be available after broadcast.
-- People For the American Way Foundation