This is from the blog of a candidate running for office for the first time, for an open assembly seat in WI. He has courage and heart... please thank Bill for standing up for LGBT rights! have heard it over and over again – Democrats are wimps and won’t stand up for what they believe in. It’s truly an issue that divides many in the party, and one that I’ve cared about for quite some time. That’s why at this morning’s candidate forum I decided to stand up for an issue that I really care about - LGBT rights.
When asked about the referendum that will be on November’s ballot, I went beyond saying that we don’t need to reiterate who a marriage is and isn’t between. I said that I realize it could cost me the election, but I firmly believe that politicians shouldn’t be able to tell two loving adults who they can and can’t marry.
Of course I was criticized by some Democratic leaning audience members for not framing the issue the right way, but to me there is a more important issue -standing up for what you believe in. I have enough LGBT friends to know that they are discriminated against, and I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t stand up for them.
We face the choice of electing representatives who want to dance around issues, or candidates who will stand up and do what’s right. I realize that I’ll be getting criticized, but now you know which type of representative I will be. Thanks Bill!
:patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: