This has been posted on his website in response to the British film maker's "Assassination of a President". He has a picture on the website of Clinton sitting in a chair with Islamic terrorist behind him. I've included a few choice comments from his fans on a freeper website. These people are sick MF'ers.
The Kidnapping and Beheading of William Jefferson Clinton
August 31, 2006
BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: I'm working on the concept of a new docudrama. Working on the concept here of a new movie, ladies and gentlemen. I have powerful friends in Hollywood, and they're always looking for story ideas to make movies and docudramas out of. Greetings, welcome back. Rush Limbaugh, your host for life, not retiring 'til every American agrees with me here on the one and only EIB Network, coming to you for the final day this week from high atop the EIB Building in midtown Manhattan. Telephone number if you want to be on the program, 800-282-2882, and the e-mail address is Rush@eibnet.com.
Here's the idea, ladies and gentlemen, I am going to pass on to my powerful creative friends in Hollywood. The basic premise is that former President Clinton gets kidnapped and beheaded, and the docudrama will be an in-depth study of what happens in America and the free world and the Moslem world. This will be a thought provoking critique of contemporary society, not just in America, and its ramifications for the war on terror. Former President Clinton kidnapped and beheaded, and of course it will be a thought provoking critique of the ramifications of this on Hillary Rodham Clinton.
So I'll be going out to Hollywood, let's see, when am I going out there? Week after next. Just going up for the weekend. So I will work on the concept here of Bill Clinton being kidnapped and beheaded, and the thought provoking critique of contemporary society, not just in America and the free world but in the Moslem world as well, and Canada. We'll want to know the impact of the beheading of Bill Clinton. We'll have panel discussions. Well, it's going to be a docudrama. The panel discussions will come after the docudrama airs and we'll screen it at a think tank in Washington.
----------------------------------------------- To: oxcart Wait till it gets some legs and the libs go ballistic....LOL!
2 posted on 09/01/2006 10:26:26 AM PDT by b4its2late (Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark!)
To: oxcart Rush is king! 5 posted on 09/01/2006 10:26:50 AM PDT by TonyRo76 (American by birth. Patriot by choice. Christian by grace.)
To: oxcart The term LOL does not do justice to my reaction to this post. I actually came to tears laughing, and my officemates are wondering if I've gone crazy.
18 posted on 09/01/2006 10:32:49 AM PDT by Looper
To: oxcart Ha! That was hilarious! Will there be outcries from the left for Rush to resign or be fired?
28 posted on 09/01/2006 10:40:20 AM PDT by coon2000
To: coon2000 Sorry, I don't like Rush's premise for this movie. Why would Al Quida kill Clnton? He gave them a free pass for eight years while we was in office. The Clinton's are the de facto midwives of Al Quida. Every year the Clinton's were in the White House it grew stronger and more deadly. If Al Quida kidnapped them it would be to give them medals, or maybe 72 virgins to split, nice chunky ones.
40 posted on 09/01/2006 10:52:52 AM PDT by Old North State