Fun with closed captioning
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Fri Sep-01-06 07:34 PM
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Fun with closed captioning |
Watching Olberman, with the CC on (hearing problems)
Olbermann started talking about Ernesto, and said that the storm had "raked" two states, but the closed captioner typed "raped"
Oh my!
Ian David
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Fri Sep-01-06 07:40 PM
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1. I once saw the results of a truly frustrated closed-captioner... |
who seems to have literally started pounding on the keyboard in frustration.
Maybe it was a signal transmission problem, but I know what banging on the keyboard looks like.
It was on a local Caribean station while I was on a cruise ship, watching TV in one of the ship's lounges.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:50 PM
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