1. Every other developed nation on Earth (save Switzerland) has universal single-payer health care.
2. No other country (except Canada) spends much more than half of what we spend, per capita. Canada spends about 2/3rds as much as we do, per capita.
3. There is no evidence that health care in other first world countries is worse than in ours. In fact, the best evidence is that our health care outcomes are well below average - for example, our life expectancy and infant mortality are at the bottom of the first-world pack.
We can discuss innovation and the unseen hand of Adam Smith until the cows come home - but the bottom line is that universal single-payer health care works better and costs less in every instance where it's been tried - even in the US, with Medicare. Doctors whine because they can only make five times what an average worker makes. Insurance companies moan because the 20% excess in health care costs that pays for them funds a lot of whopping fat-cat salaries. Pharma companies squeal because they can only charge half as much for the same drugs, since there is a rational purchasing plan.
But... remember those people called "the rest of us"? We'd get better health care, for everyone, at a much lower cost. When our pols start working for US, then we'll have universal single-payer health care. Until then, we'll have ever-more-byzantine versions of the expensive mess we have now.