We would be able to prevent any more harmful legislation from being passed, but without a veto-proof majority, we won't be able to get much if anything past Junior. He will oppose everything that is not exactly like he wants it - which is a pretty accurate description of what he's grown accustomed to getting from his bush league lapdogs who control Congress at this time. If you take The Decider's 'spoiled brat' nature into consideration, you won't be surprised if you see a government shutdown because he vetoed a budget bill that he didn't like.
We would be able to launch Congressional investigations, however, so that we could let Americans know what has actually been going on during the past 6 years. These things are what I think will occur.
But fast forward to 2008. What if we controlled Congress and the Presidency? I can't resist an exercise in 'If I were king': I would get out of Iraq, eliminate deficits, shore up Social Security, and provide single-provider universal health care. Here's how I would do all that:
Getting out of Iraq is simple. Just get the hell out. This would help quite a bit with the budget.
The only other thing I would have to do to balance the budget is to eliminate Junior's 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. Don't believe me? Here, play the
National Budget Simulation Game yourself and see. In my model I eliminated all costs of the Iraq war and Afghanistan operations, even though I wouldn't get out of Afghanistan. I figure I could keep Afghanistan going awhile by finding the
$9 billion that Junior lost in Iraq. But seriously, this relatively minor expense could be easily accounted for. I just didn't want to get into that much detail right now. If you play the game, don't forget to also eliminate those 2001 and 2003 tax cuts. You'll end up with a $5.42 budget surplus.
OK next I would shore up Social Security by eliminating the ceiling on income that is subject to payroll taxes. That's all it would take to address 93% of the shortfall that is expected to occur way out in 2043, so nothing more would need to be done at this time. No reduction of benefits or any of Junior's other schemes that are intended to gut the program. OK, I know you want to try it yourself, so here's the
Social Security Game.
And universal health care? That's the easiest of all because it
wouldn't cost anything.
It would be easy to make things better because there are significant opportunities to improve. And it's really not that complicated. See, these fascists who are in power now are
making things look more complicated than they actually are, because they would be in big trouble if most people realized just what they have been doing to us.
I think these 4 things are enough for my first week on the job.