September Surprise: Democrats Must Fight and Win On American Security
By Brent Budowsky
This is a call to action: Democrats are in real danger of losing another election by making the same mistakes they made in 2002 and 2004. The President and the war fever Republicans in Congress are banging the drums for the new wars they want to fight, using the old and false charges they always make, using taxpayer financed propaganda pumped into the conservative media machine, and mainstream media again buys into the big lie.
We must be honest: again the Democratic response has been feeble; but this time we must fight hard, fight tough, and fight now. We must challenge our leaders to fight the fight; we must challenge the large Democratic donors to do what Republican financiers have done for 30 years: stand with those who get the message out and take the offensive to make our case.
We are the party of security; we are the party that stands for freedom and democracy and the American idea; we are the party that can lead rather than alienate the democratic alliance of nations; we are the party that protects and supports the troops, vets and military families…
Click here to read Brent’s proposal.
Posted by Carolyn Kay