Andrew Greeley, who think that the Bush Junta and its 5 corporate news monopoly CEOs have convinced anybody of anything, and have won elections fairly on the strength of their demagoguery. I have a lot more respect for the majority of Americans than that, and the polls overwhelmingly bear me out. The American people are neither stupid nor uninformed. They overwhelmingly oppose Bush's war, and have from the beginning, before the invasion (56% opposed, Feb '03). They overwhelmingly oppose torture "under any circumstances" (63%, May '04). 84% now oppose any U.S. participation in a widened Mideast war. They even oppose Bush and his war when they ARE misinformed about something. Over 50% still think Saddam had WMDs--and they STILL oppose that war. They apparently do not agree with Bush's his method of dealing with it!
What the American people are is DISENFRANCHISED. And you don't have far to look to find out how it was done in 2004. All you have to know is that the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (abetted by Bilderberg 'Democrat' Christopher Dodd), passed a bill in 2002, appropriating nearly $4 billion for fast-track conversion of the entire country to electronic voting, to be run by Bushite corporations--Diebold, ES&S and Sequoia*--with TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code, and virtually no audit/recount controls.
I mean, come on.
"Yet precisely because of the myth of his success against terrorism, he won the congressional election of 2002 and the presidential election and will almost certainly win the election this November...." --Greeley
Don't give the Bushites so much credit. People were laughing at their color-coded "terra" alerts--week after week before the election. Most people are more afraid of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld than of any "terrists." They steal elections. That's what they do. And the only thing I fault my fellow and sister Americans for is taking so long to catch up with their latest gig, "trade secret" vote tabulation by Diebold & brethren.
Maybe what Karl Rove does is a little too devious for Greeley--but Greeley writes fiction (novels) so he should know. Rove pre-writes the narrative (hatred of gays, hatred of brown immigrants, terra-terra-terra--whatever), then drops little newsturds into the newsstream along the way--and maybe orders up some bombings--oh, and also (important newsturd, just heard it recently, again, as in '04) about their big get-out-the-vote campaign "in the churches"**--and--presto!--they have the post-election sound bites for "why they won." It's all smoke and mirrors. They "win" because they steal elections. And now they have the perfect mechanism for control of election results: electronic voting, where nobody gets to see the votes counted or review how it's being done (not even our secretaries of state have the right to review the "trade secret" programming in electronic voting systems). It all goes back to that $4 billion electronic voting boondoggle and the unregulated lavish lobbying that accompanied it, by which election officials, from one end of the country to the other, were bribed, enticed, made stupid, and, where that didn't work, bullied, into purchase of this crapass, hackable voting technology with security holes as big as the moon.
Yeah, they're going steal it in November. Why wouldn't these conscienceless bastards USE the capability that they deliberately set up TO steal it? What can we do? MASSIVE Absentee Ballot voting. FLOOD election officials with MOUNTAINS of paper ballots to deal with, and create sufficient panic and crisis in the election theft industry to FORCE reform NOW. BOYCOTT the machines! Let them sit idle! AB votes are not "safe" either--and the AB voting protest will not insure accurate vote counts this fall--but, if enough people vote AB (and many are--it's up to 50% in Los Angeles), we CAN force election officials to the table, with the demand for transparent, verifiable elections--and save the '08 primaries and general election from Bushite corporate control of the vote counting.*
*(Here they are--the corporations that now control almost all U.S. voting, each of them with very close ties to the Bush Junta, the Republican Party and far rightwing causes:
DIEBOLD: Until recently, headed by Wally O'Dell, a Bush-Cheney campaign chair and major fundraiser (a Bush "Pioneer," right up there with Ken Lay), who promised in writing to "deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush-Cheney in 2004"; and
ES&S: A spinoff of Diebold (similar computer architecture), initially funded by rightwing billionaire Howard Ahmanson, who also gave one million dollars to the extremist 'christian' Chalcedon Foundation, which touts the death penalty for homosexuals (among other things). Diebold and ES&S have an incestuous relationship; they are run by two brothers, Bob and Todd Urosevich.
These are the people who "counted" 80% of the nation's votes in 2004, under a veil of corporate secrecy.
The third major election theft player, Sequoia, employs Republican former CA Sec of State, Bill Jones, and his chief aide, Alfie Charles, to peddle their machines--an outstanding example of the highly corrupt practice of "revolving door employment."
**(There is absolutely no evidence of any significant success of Rove's "get out the vote" campaign in 2004. All the evidence points strongly the other way. The Democrats beat the pants off of the Republicans in new voter registration, nearly 60/40. And the corporate news monopolies let him get away with post-election remarks about their "invisible GOTV effort in the churches"! Think about it. How many more votes can the master thieves and mass murderers of the Bush Junta have squeezed out of their 'base"? Meanwhile the Democrats were signing up new voters by the droves--and ALSO attracting the great majority of independent voters and the great majority of former Nader voters! Who is is there? If Bush/Gore '00 voters just about cancel each other out, with Gore having a slight edge (as was proven later by a news monopoly consortium), and the Democrats were pulling most of the new, independent and former Nader voters, where did Bush's purported edge come from? There is NO evidence that rightwing 'christians' INCREASED his numbers! None! This is the myth that HAS succeeded, and that has hoodwinked many Americans. The great progressive majority in this country has been brainwashed into believing that it is the minority. That is a corporate-created, and Rove-created, delusion.)
--- (A note about 2002: While the takeover of the country by these Bushite electronic voting corporations had only just begun in 2002, some states like Georgia jumped in with both feet and quickly converted everything to Dieobld touchscreens (the worst of the election theft machines--un-recountable, un-auditable, paperless voting). Thus, Democrat and Vietnam vet Max Cleland (a paraplegic, who lost 3 limbs in Vietnam), who went into the '02 Senate election with a 15% lead, somehow lost to the Bushite. And it was classic case of Rove pre-writing the post-election narrative. They painted Cleland as a coward and a friend of Osama bin Laden. Then they--and a chorus of political parrots--later attributed their "win" to these disgusting ads. Electronic voting was also likely used to defeat Walter Mondale who stepped in for the popular anti-Iraq war leader Paul Wellstone, after his plane crashed. I will never believe that Minnesotans voted for that worm Norm Coleman. And I have little doubt that, elsewhere, a combination of new electronic voting systems and other Bushite dirty tricks stole enough seats to keep the Democrats from controlling the Senate in the crucial--for the Bush Junta--leadup to the unjust, illegal, unnecessary, murderous "shock and awe" bombing of Iraq,)