Thought this should be raised once again, both for those who know about it, and for the ones who need to. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0930852400/qid=1055683877/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/102-3350739-6033738?v=glance&s=books&n=507846http://ec3.images-amazon.com/images/P/0930852400.01._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_AA240_SH20_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg"Afghanistan had been planned for several years prior to the terrible tragedy that occurred on 11th September on US soil... then considers the development of Afghanistan as well as within the United States, as a consequence of the US-led military intervention that began Ocotber 2001....Neither the facts, nor the inferences I draw therefrom, are palatable. However, they are worthy of urgent consideration, not only from members of the public, but by our purported political leaders and representatives..."
"...Huey Long once said, 'Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-fascism'. I'm afraid, based on my own long experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security."
Nafeez Moseaddeq Ahmed, Preface and quote from Jim Garrison, New Orleans District Attorney, 1967, from the Conclusion THE WAR ON FREEDOM
There are not words to describe the courage it will take anyone, conservative or liberal, left, right or center, to read this book from cover to cover and sit with the new world you will be looking at afterwards. Ahmed, through more than *six hundred* footnotes, political and historical analysis, quotes of everyone from European and Afghani political analysts to New York stockbrokers to American congressman and FBI agents--and some of the most erudite, plain language scholarship I have ever read--irrevocably changes one's view of history and current events such that one is left with the profoundly disturbing fact not by saying that his main theory is true, but by proving unqeustionably that it is POSSIBLE.
This is not an America-hating rant, the likes of which would make it the international antithesis (i.e. siamese twin) of much of the pro-American "literature" coming from the far right nowadays. This is scholarship the likes of which can only demand a paradigm shift in one's thinking, regardless of how you choose to reinterpret his fact-finding when you put the book down. If you've ever wondered what the Catholic bishops must have felt when reading the work of Galileo for the first time, or the Protestant community of the 19th century reading the work of Darwin, or what the Newtonian physics scientific community felt seeing Einstein prove his point about relativity, the scholarship of Ahmed will let you know in perhaps the most politically frightening way possible. Ahmed in fact, does not rely on the rogue scholars we are familiar with for the bulk of his work. He quotes BODY OF SECRETS: INSIDE THE NSA, the work of Gore Vidal like THE GOLDEN AGE, and 9-11 by Noam Chomsky as mere redundancies, adding to the mountain of evidence he has generated leading one to the inevitable conclusion that is the book's theme.
In the end, whether or not you choose to follow Ahmed to the end of his theories, you will be left with a totally new understanding of the secret architecture and raison d'etre of both modern history and modern war. If you didn't know that FDR knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor because he set America up to be bombed in 1941 in order to get the isolationist minded American populace to join World War Two--and how he did it--you will learn it here. If you didn't know that there were plans in the military (kept classified until the Freedom of Information Act of 1975) of terrorizing and even killing American citizens in Miami and throughout Florida in such a way that it would look like Castro's military did it to justify an American invasion of Cuba in 1962, you will learn it here. If you didn't know that the total absence of military response to the hijacking of American planes before they hit the World Trade Center on Septemeber 11th is something that has NEVER happened before in FAA or military history, you will learn it here. If you had no idea of the unusual and otherwise inexplicably heavy trade on the stock market that took place days before Septemeber 11th regarding Airline and oil stocks, you will learn it here.