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Repuke Values: Teaser on AmericaBlog:

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
AnnInLa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-02-06 01:34 PM
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Repuke Values: Teaser on AmericaBlog:

Republican DUI offender running for Senate in Washington state
by John in DC - 9/02/2006 12:58:00 PM

Not to be confused with the married Pennsylvania Republican who tried to strangle his mistress, or the Republican congressman who likes to send sexually suggestive emails to underage male pages (that scandal hasn't broken yet - but I've seen the emails).

More on the GOP Senate challenger's arrest record.

WASHINGTON - Republican Senate candidate Mike McGavick ran a red light before being stopped for drunken driving, failed a roadside sobriety test and fell asleep during processing, according to a police report on the 1993 incident.

McGavick, seeking the Senate seat in Washington state, confessed to the previously unknown incident last week in an interview with The Associated Press. He later covered the same topics in an "open letter" on his campaign Web site in which he said he "cut a yellow light too close" before being stopped.

(In the comments at AmericaBlog, some posters, dismissed the DUI incident as trivial....others reminded how really serious driving while drinking is....goes to character/judgement. Hell, they're all hypocrites. More interesting is the repuke congressman sending suggestive emails to male page, probably a gay-basher.)
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IntravenousDemilo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-02-06 01:46 PM
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1. In my country, he would be considered a felon.
And he would have a very hard time getting nominated, let alone elected.

Spurious George and Crash-cart are also felons according to the Criminal Code of Canada, and shouldn't be allowed into our country for any reason without first applying to the RCMP, complete with their fingerprints, and wait six weeks for a little card that they must show every time they cross the border. Kind of like what Canadians who've been caught with a joint have to go through with the FBI if they want to visit the US.
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