I am talking about republicans, conservatives, fundies and yes, even freepers and a big breakthrough I had this evening. I could not comprehend the hatred, the give me, give me attitudes that those sitting in opposition to most of my dearly held concepts of what constitutes normal Human behavior. First off, if this has been brought up prior to this post, excuse my not looking in all the right places.
I operate as a thinking, hopefully sane and forward thinking human being. I am projecting my ego. This is what I could not comprehend from the others. How could they do and say the crap that they do if they conceive the world as I do. Then it hit me. Most of them are stuck in the id; the childish, mean spirited, introverted and give me give me mind set that is a human's birth right. However, a good proportion of us are able to advance on to the rational and open minded part that I just spoke of. These unwashed, as another religion speaks of are aimless. They need direction and they found it in the new class of humans, the super ego. These are the power brokers, the church leaders, the powers behind the thrones, the leaders of commerce and industry, the minions of corrupt politicians and they found their way to inexhaustible power. Show the childish amongst us how to whine, complain and in general just stir up the shit. The base of childlike republican voters is many times in number that of the powerful and well connected. There is over lapping among the classes. We need a percentage of those that drank from the glass of corruption in the last couple of elections to come our way the next few elections. We need to surmount the 'within statistical percentage' so even the braver among the super-egoists would not dare risk rigging those elections. After that, we pass laws against electronic voting and try to undo the wrongs of the previous 5 1/2 years.