Today in the Times David "Teeny Little Girly Hands" Brooks desperately attempts to justify his neo-con agenda on jejune pseudo socio-anthropological grounds. He invents facts and uses them to spin fantasy. He makes broad generalizations in order to congratulate himself and the society he was born into. In the course of it, he manages to imply that is just a step behind Al Queda and Hezbollah. Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures. He's had five years to meditate on the meaning of September 11, and this is what he came up with?
How many lies in just these few excerpts? No link, unless someone can dig one up. Times Select.
some snippets from
The Jagged World, NY Times 9/2 >
"It's true people everywhere hate oppression, but they also require identity, and human beings build identities by collectively hating groups that represent what they are not."
"People who live in socieeties where authority is united - as under Islam - are really different from people who live in societies where authority is divided. People in honor societies - where someone will kill his sister because she has become polluted by rape - are different from people in socieities where people are judged by individual intentions."
"The five most important people in the Arab world, according to a recent survey, are the leaders of Hezbollah, Hamas, Al Queda and the Muslim Brotherhood. Microsoft's market conquest is nothing to that. Other and more benign groups are being created as well: Pentecostal sects,, Hugo Chaves populists and whatever groups are invisibly forming among left-behind peasants in India and China."
"Americans blew the postwar administration of Iraq because they assumed they were liberating a nation sort of like their own. And yet I can't seem to renounce my own group, which is America. It would feel like cultural suicide to repress the central truths of my society, that all human beings are endowed with inalienable rights and democracy is the most just and effective form of government."