I think there is a strategy that can get us out and still save some of our dignity. We need to go back in time and undo the real mistake that has led, in part, to today’s mess. We need to redraw the boarders to fit the long established ethnic cultures. The great wisdom of the empire building days of the past was to divide these groups and keep them fighting with themselves while we exploited their nature resources. This would be very difficult to do throughout the Middle East but it might be possible to quiet Iraq by separating the warring parties. Iraq must be split into three sections and the responsibility for policing each area would immediately go to the majority. Time would need to be given for people to get to the area that matches their ideology or they can stay and take their chances as a minority, this is already happening some are even fleeing to other countries. It would be good to set up some sort of international court to arbitrate boarder disputes and help people with safe travel to a safe haven. Iran and Turkey would not be happy to give up ethnic territory nor are Israel, Syria, Jordan happy about it but this is the only way to peace that I can see. New countries need to be formed and Iraq needs to die. The UN needs to step in take over. As long as the US is controlling the resources and the government the situation can not improve. Local tribal leaders should be officially put in charge and money directed through them to begin rebuilding. If we are not in discussions with the locals, how can we possibly bring stability to the area. We can not continue down the road of confrontation and civil war. A dramatic shift in our handling of this issue is called for.