We, the people of the angry liberal left in order to have a more perfect government, protected from those who would attack our liberties, do believe that being pro-peace is not akin to being a traitor to our country and protesting the policies of the President of the United States and the administration is not the same as wishing defeat on our country and death to our soldiers.
We, the people of the angry liberal left laugh at sophomoric attacks against us for our plan for fighting terror when it is this administration who failed to serve over seas in any war and avoided bullets at all costs. Couple their cowardice with a lack of any real plan, other than enriching their own wealth and those of their friends, and the angry liberal left is wondering, “what is in the kool-aid that people have been drinking” and “my what rose colored glasses they must be wearing, to think that our leaders have not sought to politicize the security of our country in order to benefit themselves.”
Are we not nation building? Did we ever find weapons of mass destruction? Now that we have Saddam, should we come on home? Well, of course not, because this administration believes there is more to be done. This administration manipulates, cajoles, connives, lies and tricks the children of the less fortunate in our country, to go into mortal battle for them and kill, kill, kill so that their fortunes and the fortunes of their friends are secured.
We, the people of the angry liberal left believe that blind acceptance of everything that we are told by this administration and its corporate owned media is embarrassing. Were these people present that day in tenth grade Civics class when the teacher explained our role as citizens in this country? At what point in our education did petitioning the government with grievances turn into supporting the evil cause of non-conformance?
Exactly who here is afraid? We, the people of the angry liberal left are not afraid to speak out against the atrocities of Abu Ghraib, illegal wire tapping, presidential signing statements, the failure of the federal government in response to Katrina and Rita and the suspension of civil liberties. Continue with the talking points spoon fed to you by those in power and yours will be the true definition of “lip service”.
Unlike our self proclaimed enemies we the people of the angry liberal left, do not believe that a single person holds the answer to all of our problems. And, we do not silence, through threats and labels of un-Americanisms the voices of our self proclaimed enemies. We, the people of the angry liberal left will continue to fight for the rights of the Americans to peacefully assemble, speak freely and petition the government with our grievances. We, the people, are at war with a group of people who wish our domination and destruction. And that group is you.