I just caught Spectre on Fox News Sunday saying he was determined to give all of Bush's nominees an "up or down" vote and he said he expects a filibuster fight. Apparently, they're going to try and fire up their Neo-con base and rally them around these ultraCon judges. They're hoping to change topic and divert the attention away from their miserable Puke failures and get a slew of Nazi's on the bench. For the Pukes, it's a win-win (at least in their mind). If the Dems don't fight, they get their judges. If the Dems do fight, they get to change the subject away from thier corruption and utter failures with a spectacular nuclear option fight. Very clever, IMO.
However, what they aren't counting on though is this bastard of a move firing up the "wacko-left" base, as well. The Dem base has been coasting toward this election, playing the "I'm not a Puke" card. This is not really firing up a whole lot of people. I think a nice Nuclear War in the Senate is just what the doctor ordered. I think Rove and Spectre just handed us the key to actually winning back the Senate as well as the House. I just wonder if the Dems will be bold enough to stand up and fight or if they'll back away, hoping to coast to a November victory. However this shakes out, it's going to get real interesting.