Hospital in Louisville, KY has released a frightening statistic: 25% of shooting victims delivered to their hospital are under the age of 21.
About a quarter of all gunshot victims in Louisville in the past decade have been under 21, according to a University Hospital database of all the people treated there for gunshot wounds, including fatalities.
While there is no comparable national data, Dr. Bill Smock, who leads a team of researchers preparing the statistics, believes the numbers are disturbing — and hopes they might provide a basis for programs to curb the violence.
“There’s an opportunity to intervene more than what the community’s already doing,” Smock said, adding that a gunshot wound “has a ripple effect across the community — the family is distraught, the drain on police resources, the drain on the hospital.”
The University Hospital database was started with a $118,000 grant from the U.S. attorney’s office, but that money ran out in July, and Smock is trying to find $60,000 to keep a full-time research nurse to maintain the database and work with community leaders interested in developing prevention strategies.
So far, University Hospital and the Metro Health Department have committed $20,000 each.
There’s no question that the monetary cost of gunshot wounds in America is staggering. An overflow of guns (literally manufactured by the gun industry) costs us millions if not billions of dollars in health care and resources. And it’s especially sickening that a full quarter of those costs are going specifically to children injured by gun violence.
but all the manly gun nuts will try to explain this away. gotta have and carry their guns.
guess our kids are just collateral damange