Edited on Mon Sep-04-06 12:45 AM by TahitiNut
Look, I don't know whether a regime populated with people looking after their own self-interest (come hell or high water) at the same time they're fumbling around with what's "best" can be called a 'conspiracy' but I DO KNOW this: the jobs they're occupying require 110% of the person's attention and a very high degree of expertise (skill and experience) to even come close to doing a "right thing" let alone the "right thing." When people are put in such positions due to their connections (cronyism), their political ideologies, and their "loyalty" (to a boss, not some abstract like 'the people') and their entire professional lives are based on running up to and over the line of legality and ethics for personal advantage ... then We The People get short-changed.
One thing is for sure ... not one of these bastards has gotten poorer during their tenure in a government job with a salary only 1/10th of what they've gotten 'accustomed' to! So, they may be 'bungling' the part of the job We The People want done ... but they sure ain't missing chances to enrich themselves and cronies.
One thing I've noticed in my 30 years in Corporate America (and 45 years working) that's guaranteed - people almost always help create the conditions that they've found most favorable to their 'success' in the past. If they've "succeeded" in chaos, then they help create chaos. If they've "succeeded" in organizations filled with backstabbers and passive-aggressives, then they help populate organizations with backstabbers and passive-aggressives. And if they've "succeeded" in organizations filled with corruption ... well ... same same.
Whatever "works." :shrug: