A 50% dropout rate for blacks and Hispanics. Talk about total failure. Another issue for the Dems, especially to win back the Hispanic vote. NCLB is a total failure, high school has only gotten worse, especially because it never gets the funding the earlier grades now receive.
This is a disaster, creating a permanent underclass--which is just the way the big corporations and the GOP want it so they can have CHEAP LABOR. This article talks about "Pushouts", kids who are ENCOURAGED to drop out by their schools! How rich/good kids get all the attention while it is the others who actually need it.
Most of all the students are BORED to death by the curriculum and the rigid rote learning approach. Most dropputs HAVE GOOD GRADES! They leave because the kids don't like them or mainly because they are BORED. All that shaping the curriculum to the SATs and other tests has KILLED EDUCATION. In addition, the high school curriculum structure was created in the 1820s! (Blame Johann Herbart if truth be told) It's a little out of date...
We need to push these dropout numbers in the '06 election to show exactly how, under the GOP, this country is literally coming apart at the seams. When was the last time the corporate news interrupted the War on Terra long enough to give a 30-second report on the dropout rate?
What is the GOP Education Plan? STAY THE COURSE. Big '06 Issue!
Of the 315 Shelbyville students who showed up for the first day of high school four years ago, only 215 are expected to graduate. The 100 others have simply melted away, dropping out in a slow, steady bleed that has left the town wondering how it could have let down so many of its kids.
In today's data-happy era of accountability, testing and No Child Left Behind, here is the most astonishing statistic in the whole field of education: an increasing number of researchers are saying that
nearly 1 out of 3 public high school students won't graduate, not just in Shelbyville but around the nation. For Latinos and African Americans, the rate approaches an alarming 50%. Virtually no community, small or large, rural or urban, has escaped the problem.There is a small but hardy band of researchers who insist the dropout rates don't quite approach those levels. They point to their pet surveys that suggest a rate of only 15% to 20%. The dispute is difficult to referee, particularly in the wake of decades of lax accounting by states and schools.
But the majority of analysts and lawmakers have come to this consensus: the numbers have remained unchecked at approximately 30% through two decades of intense educational reform, and the magnitude of the problem has been consistently, and often willfully, ignored....
In 2001, Jay Greene, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, published a study that peeled back the layers of statistical legerdemain. Poring over raw education data, he asked himself a basic question: What percentage of kids who start at a high school finish? The answers led Greene and subsequent researchers around the country to place the national graduation rate at anywhere from 64% to 71%. It's a rate that most researchers say has remained fairly static since the 1970s, despite increased attention on the plight of public schools and a vigorous educational-reform movement.
NOTE: YOU REALLY HAVE TO READ THE WHOLE THING (first link easier to read) --,9171,1181646-1,00.html Remember to recommend for Greatest if you think these dropout rates are an '06 issue. If you forget, I'm going to make you write "Dems Will Win" on the blackboard 100 TIMES.