Some people say IChing's policy on free speech has gone too far
The Debate
1"These days, anyone says whatever they want with no regard to what kind of dribble is coming out of their mouths!" says angry commuter Naki Wong. "It's gone too far. We should go back to the good old days, when if someone started talking garbage, we'd smack them one."
2"We need more free speech, not less," argues civil rights campaigner Hope Falopian. "Free speech allows ideas to be explored, challenged, and discussed in a productive, open forum. It teaches our kids to be critical thinkers. And dirty words, of course, but that's just the price you pay."
3"The right to free speech is a central tenet of our system of democracy," says religious leader Pip Nagasawa. "But surely the right to not have your religious beliefs mocked by others is worth something, too? We mustn't put up with intolerance!"
I'm debating this for the nation I created so just for fun, I ask your vote on the matter, I think that the choices are too narrow and simplistic
but that is what usually happens anyway.