Do you remember the one about Rumsfeld advising the Iraqis that “Tourism” would be the ticket for solving all their problems?
Mid-September, 2003.
Rumsfeld said, “I don’t believe it’s our job to reconstruct the (Iraq) country. The Iraqi people will have to reconstruct that country over a period of time.” The secretary then went on to suggest a reconstruction plan of sorts, “ Tourism is going to be something important in that country as soon as the security situation is resolved, and I think that will be resolved as the Iraqis take over more and more responsibility for their own government.”
No electricity, no purified water, no security, roadside bombs exploding, bodies and body parts flying around... and the only solution Rummy, Cheney and Bush have is that Baghdad Club-Med should be built. God, I am busting a gut laughing, Rummy should sell his brain and mouth to a circus.