Edited on Tue Sep-05-06 10:37 AM by cssmall
Rest in peace unless you were a conservative or a person that even disagreed with one of your liberal heroes right? I mean, it doesn't really matter if they die, leaving behind a legacy of education with children and adults about animals debunking the dangerous myths about them. So, you know what? "I knew it was going to happen sometime" or "eh, so what?"
In the day since Steve Irwin's death, I have been more disappointed by this place than ever before. The actual term for the emotion that I have felt with some of the reaction and smarmy remarks is disgust, mainly because I never thought we were like that. I have seen conservatives praise the deaths of liberals, but I thought we were supposed to be better than that. I thought we were supposed to care about all life. I thought we cared about the opposite opinion. Oh well, guess not. Aren't we the ones that look for nuance in every situation?
However, being a liberal, I have this to say: I am willing to accept Steve Irwin because of his ultimate goal. He was a penultimate conservationalist and, perhaps, the face of the field. In fact, he used the tactics with which I wholeheartedly agree: education, passion, protection, relocation and outreach. These are all tactics that as an archeologist (without the pretentous "a") I espouse with *humans.* Do you know who signed the sections of the National Historic Preservation Act that make archeology a requirement at all places? Richard Nixon. Therefore, I owe my career to Nixon. Does that make me less of a liberal? Does it make Irwin less of a conservationalist for saying he wants to sit on the fence so he can get as much money as possible to help animals? No. Just because he's not ramming spikes in a tree or any other amount of *terroristic* activities doesn't mean he could give a care less. In the end, I will personally remember Irwin as a conservationalist that educated my children and myself, that entertained my children and myself, and that touched my children and myself.
If you want to follow a ticket blindly, then we are no better than Republicans. It shows that we don't care about the issues; rather we just care about that damned D (which means you would vote for Lieberman if he were on the ballot). In the end, it doesn't matter. What was written here will be either applauded or attacked. For that I have little care, because I expect those that are geniunely touched and affected by Irwin's death will join me in my grief whilst those that think someone has to be the perfect liberal to be the perfect anything will attack me. I apologize for not being perfect.