Dubbed the "Oscars of Idiocy," host Lewis Black of The Daily Show led a crack team of comics and celebrities who handed out awards to thunderous applause. The night featured performances by Penn Gillette of Penn and Teller, Greg Proops of Whose Line is it Anyways? and comedian Andy Kindler.
The Stupidity Awards themselves were recognized, winning the new Stupidest Award Show of the Year category.
Some of the others winners include:
Conservative columnist Ann Coulter won the award as Stupidest Man of the Year. She beat out Bush, U.S. Senator John Kerry, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and Players Association director Bob Goodenow, and former Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma.
Ashlee Simpson's lip-synching performance on Saturday Night Live for Dumbest Moment of the Year
Crystal meth for Stupidest Trend of the Year
North Korean dictator Kim Jong for Stupidity Award for Reckless Endangerment of the Planet
Fox News for Media Outlet Which Has Best Furthered Ignorance
The new candidates and where you can vote are on this link: