After the Entertainment Tonight long shot so we could check out her un-airbrushed figure, Ms. Couric reminded the nation first thing, that the War On Terror began in Afghanistan, “of course” as a response to SeptemberTheEleventh and now the Taliban and Al Queda have reclaimed the territory that the U.S. forces drove them out of, “brazenly” meeting out of doors with weapons in broad daylight, praying with weapons “at the ready” a mere Ten Miles! from a U.S. base.............................
The production values were seamless, gaudy, smoothly creepy, as the promo for Bushco’s war continues.............
An interview with the ubiquitous and obsequious Tom Freidman, who croons and squirms for the camera about the dangers of “our generation’s World War Three” in such a schmaltzy way that it is clear he thinks this is all a big game and by “World War Three” he means this generation's "Cold War" -- a duck and cover light show of color coded threat levels to keep the masses in line..................................
Then a male journalbot blathering on unctuously associating the War On Terror with Iraq while distinguishing the two from each other in the next breathless runonsentence (since Bushco. has it both ways) while reporting on the Pronouncer-In-Chief’s speech where he quoted the various incarnations of Goldstein in Eurasia and Oceania, comparing the Goldsteins to Stalin and Hitler WHILE CBS DUTIFULLY SPLIT THE SHOT, showing Bush on one side and moving footage of Stalin and Hitler on the other.........................
And the Ford heir is stepping down as chairman and the Crocodile Hunter’s body is returned to Australia...................................
Journalbot to oil spokesmodel: “How much did Katrina cost shell?”
Oh yes and did we mention that the rise in gas prices was due to Hurricane Katrina and NOT that other reason you vaguely remember that Bushco. and the oil companies and the oily media gave before..... so many news cycles since then.
FREE SPEECH with the SuperSize Me guy! The first Vanity Fair photos of Tom Cruise baby!
Another close up of fifty-something woman wearing rock club eye makeup. “Help me come up with a closing line for the show. Log on now!”
The Bushco. commercial ends....... Looks Great! Less Filling! Wait-- Morgan Spurlock used that line... I thought he was “indie.” Oh I don’t know, I’m working on a tag line for Katie..... (Long shot of perky catapulter perched on the desk, giggling and yapping at the crew as the cameras pull back...............)
How bout:
“I’m not a journalist, but I play one on TV?”