Blue Force has a link to a Not-To-Be-Missed Rocketboom
It highlights the issue of
private contractors in Iraq. Apart from an eye-opening interview with
Paul Reickhoff comparing salaries and missions of U.S. soldiers vs. private armies, the video shows a nervous, ticky Bush fumbling through questions he doesn’t know the answer to. Of course the audience finds his ignorance charming and worthy of a few good chuckles (ugh!).
Great quote from Reickhoff regarding private security forces: "if things get tough over there, and people start shooting too much, they can drop their weapons and go home."
A few gems from the article:
“There is no clear legal action to take when private contractors disobey the instruction of the U.S. military. We have no control over them because we have no clear system of consequences for their actions.
Even those who are less concerned with protecting Iraqis must recognize that the disobedience of private contractors has killed U.S. troops.” <snip>
“On top of that, international law does not necessarily recognize them as U.S. military combatants.
When we are hit by foreign soldiers in a state army, we call it war. When we are hit by civilian combatants who do not wear uniforms, we call it terrorism. Repairing latrines and serving meals is one thing, but carrying weapons on a battlefield is another.”
Is there anything the right won't try to privatize - whether or not is it a colossally stupid idea?