Edited on Wed Sep-06-06 08:06 AM by Montagnard
Many of the current books dealing with the Iraq war make the point that the Bush regime had no plan for post-war Iraq. Any planning done dealt with flowers and sweets that would be strewn at their feet. During the first weeks after the fall of Baghdad, Bush and boys stood by as Iraq was lost in the maelstrom of chaos, murder and mayhem. They were totally unprepared for anything after shock and awe. Just when there was a need for a strong presence, Rumsfeld, failed to deploy troops that were on their way to Iraq. There were not enough troops to secure the Iraqi military ordinance, the Iraqi streets, and the security of the Iraqi people. Then as the country was demolished by looters, Rumsfeld’s cavalier response was, “in war stuff happens.” We now see that the “stuff” of which he was speaking was also the “stuff” that would lead to death and instability in the Middle-east.
When history is written of the Iraq war it will say that the US military was betrayed by the incompetence, hubris and willful ignorance of the Bush regime. They went to war without understanding what it took to govern, or, without a touch of empathy or humanity towards the Iraqi people.
More the shame for those first few weeks, as the Bush regime stumbled and bumbled and neglected the aftermath of invasion resulted in the death of young soldiers of the US military. Those who died were just numbers to the unconcerned and incompetent Bush regime, whose only plan was “in war stuff happens.”