So they went away, I've given up family members and friends who no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't reach. I'm afraid there has been a whole lotta people who'll be getting a simple sympathy card from me instead of a personal visit to a funeral in the coming couple of decades...
I've given up npr, cnn, cbs I gave up on these entities since Election2000 when it became evident they were whoring for the Bush campaign and subsequently the Bushistas. I'll never forget Cokie Roberts on NPR reporting on Bush's "charm offensive" during the 2000 campaign. I thought "what?" "Charm offensive?" And when I heard NPR give campaign news about Bush and Gore, it would play a soundbite from a Bush speech followed by thunderous applause--something like "And if elected, I'll put FOOD ON YOUR FAMILY!!!"--applause!!applause!!applause!! But it would "report" on a Gore campaign stop by summarizing something Gore had said as related by third party. It sounded something like, "...And Al Gore appeared in Hoboken today. Joe Schmo, a Gore campaign spokesman, said that Gore's speech included a need to do something to help the enviroment...." I mean, really, even a moron like Bush can sound presidential under these carefully-controlled conditions. And I've never forgave the numerous passes CNN gave Bush when he said or did something controversial or stupid. I gradually gave up CBS when it became apparent to me it was no longer the "hard hitting" news network it once was... I gave up on the news media in general, again during Campaign 2000 when the "top news story" was something like "Bush campaigns in Wisconsin." I thought "why is this a 'top news story?"' (not that I have anything against Wisconsin), both Bush and Gore were campaigning all over the place so why was this non-story a "story."
Along with my sense of outrage, my sense of compassion has been dulled over the years, a causal relation perhaps? I find I'm a lot less tolerant of people who just plain annoy me... I used to be more easy going and let others have the benefit of the doubt. Not anymore, for example:
I have a new neighbor to the back of me. She's lived there for only a few years now. One day during the final days of winter earlier this year, I noticed the fence that separates us was slightly damaged. There were two planks that were broken off about a foot down from the top. I thought perhaps my eight-year-old son and a friend might have done it playing on our woodpile (which I've told them not to do), so I went over to ask the lady if this were the case. She said no that it was her "yardman" who got "over anxious" in trimming a bush there and broke off the planks (there "was" a bush there--more on that later). I really didn't know who the bush it belonged to. It had been there for years, right at the point where hers and my properties meet the other two. So I said I'd be doing some yard projects in the spring/summer and I would replace the planks since it would be easier for me to do so. She agreed--no problem. Well, about two months ago I come home one afternoon and the bush is gone. I thought, "Hmmm, I wonder who took that out...?" I surmised that the power company did it since it was on an easement and there was a power pole there with a guidewire. The power company is very adamant about it's power poles, lines, and such, and brush/trees. So I didn't think much of it. After all, who would have ripped out the bush? Well, shortly after that (a few weeks or so) the lady comes pulling up in front of my house and says I need to sigh a contract. Whaaaa...??? was my reply, for what? She said she had paid her "yardman" $100 to have the bush removed and she wanted him to spread some kind of chemical down to kill the roots. But the city advised her to have me sign a "contract" before doing so. I was still dumbfounded about her coming onto my property to rip out a bush without telling me. I said that I didn't know who owned the bush, and she replied "Oh, you did!" I said is there any other way to take out the roots (my wife and I are against the use of chemicals on our yard) and she said, "Oh, no. We have to use chemicals." By now, my wife comes out of the house and hears the word "chemicals" and wants to know what's going on. She tells her that we have a small boy who likes to play back there. The neighbor says, "Well, I have a small dog..." as if we were to equate the safety of our child with her dog, and if it's o.k. with her that it should be o.k. with us. By this time I'm beginning to fume. She she says that she is having a "witness" come over to observe our signing her "contract." I say what for? She says the city advises it. I say I'm not signing any "contract" with a "witness" present on Sunday (I was on my way to work when she pulled up). So I leave and she continues her tirades with my wife.
The "contract" and "witness" are called off for that day. Before leaving, I told her that if she'd come to me in the first place, we could have worked out an agreement about the bush. I would have been willing to share the cost. But, noooooo...she has to pull this shit. I told her I didn't appreciate her coming onto my property without my knowledge to have her "yardman" rip put a bush that (apparently) belonged to me. I told her I felt that was trespassing, vandalism, and theft. Needless to say, nothing was settled that day.
A week or so later, I was in the backyard mowing and my wife comes out to talk to me. The lady sees us and comes out of her house and over to the broken part of the fence and says to me, "You did this!" Well, --and this gets to the crux of you thread--feeling like I've been lied to and deceived by the Bushitas, the "Gang Of hyProcrites, and the Corporate Media the past 6-12 years, I had had enough with civility, compromise, and "trying to get along." There was a time I'd stepped back and said something like, "Whoa...let's try to work this out amiably." But not this time...not any more. I looked at her and said, "You're a goddamn liar!" "I asked you several months ago if my son had done this, and you said no, that it was your "yardman." You told me he got "over anxious" in trimming a bush. She then said that I had promised to fix it and I reminded her that I said I would fix it in the spring or summer when I worked on other yard projects. But I now told her that since her "yardman" apparently doesn't mind coming on to other people's property without permission, that he could fix it. I turned to go back to mowing and I could hear her saying something to my wife, so I yelled over my shoulder, "Don't pay any attention to her, she lies like a Republican! That's all they do...that's all they know how to do... lie, lie, lie." I then started up my mower and since it's in need of a tune-up or a new muffler, it made a huge racket that drowned her out and ended the "conversation." But I had had it. No more "Mr. Nice Guy." No more tolerance for liars and bullshit artists. No more compromise with people who twist the truth. No more trying to understand people who hurl wild-assed accusations. No more "walking a mile in the shoes" of arrogance, stupidity, and willful ignorance. No more "trying to work it out." F*ck 'em. I've had it with them. F*ck these people and the horse they rode in on. I just don't have the time or patience to be civil anymore to these people. I don't know if she was a Republican but since I live in an area that's 2:1 Republican over Democrat, I figured I had a 67% chance of being right. Besides, even if she wasn't one, she was sure as hell acting like one...