Local radio morning show had Ann Compton of ABC News on this morning to talk about her predictions for King George's speech later today. She emoted about how he will likely emphasize that the government is doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to keep Americans safe.
The talk show hosts laughed and noted the way the White House is hyping this speech as VERY SIGNIFICANT, to which Ann Compton replied that the White House obviously would not bill the speech as insignificant if it were actually not, because doing so would ruin their credibility for future news announcements. She believes it will be important.
Then the radio hosts asked jokingly, "Well, do you think it could be that he is going to announce plans to defy the Supreme Court ruling (about the unconstitutionality of military tribunals for detainees)? Do you think he might just say they disagree with the ruling and are going to go ahead with the tribunals anyway?"
She responded vehemently, "That would be VERY uncharacteristic of this President".....she noted his "TREMENDOUS RESPECT" for the law and especially for Supreme Court rulings on the law during his administration..."for example, on the issue of stem cells." She repeated "VERY UNCHARACTERISTIC FOR THIS PRESIDENT" several times.
Damned liberal media.