They're trying to paint Casey as a loser for Senate in PA. Highsmith must have sold his soul to Tweety's folks...he's been around here for decades but hasn't done all that well for a local reporter with his longevity here. Can't quite swing it into the big time...which is actually not so hard. Philly's become the RW talk radio capital of the US, what with it's Big Talker station with that moran Smerconish and that other moran Dom Giordano. It's pretty nauseating...Tweety and his ilk have them on almost twice a week these days.
Here they are on MSRNC trying to explain why a sitting senator who's ostensibly #3 in the Senate is at 39% and holding. It wouldn't be that Tweety's brother running for Lt. Guv against the Rendell ticket would it?
Meanwhile,. back at the ranch Rendell (whose best friend in the whole world is Rendell) made that idiotic statement saying that Santorum delivers to PA. Well so the hell what? Sheesh...this is what's gonna keep Eddy off the rolls for VP, I can almost guarantee you that, although there was a rumor around that Richardson/Rendell ticket would win FL and NM and AZ. Not likely if he keeps opening his mouth. He said that so he'd be perceived as the nice guy candidate for the central part of the state who's gonna vote for Ricky. he turned off a lot of the Philly activists with that remark, I can tell you that.