To: Robert A. Iger President and CEO, The Walt Disney Company
Dear Mr. Iger:
I've been following the controversy surrounding ABC's upcoming "The Path to 9-11" for a week or so, and I understand that ABC is now labelling the piece as a "Docu-Drama" with fictionalized elements. I further understand that, due to pressure from concerned viewers, ABC is planning to include disclaimers throughout the program. Bravo. That is certainly the least we can expect.
Something still troubles me, however. In the study materials that are being provided to schools via ABC's partnership with Scholastic, I discerned no such disclaimers. In fact, the letter from Thomas Kean (of the 9-11 commission) states that the film "...accurately reflects both the facts and the spirit of the Commission's findings." Really? Richard Clarke and Sandy Berger dispute that assessment - where are the letters to educators telling THEIR side of events?
Furthermore, the study materials ask the students "What were some surprising or interesting facts or concepts about the events leading up to that day that you did not know prior to viewing?" I fail to see how students are to answer a question like that when the piece admittedly contains fictional material. Are students supposed to intuit the "factual" information from the "dramatic license"? These statements which are a bit further removed from the public eye paint a different picture of this enterprise from the semi-fictional-account-loosely-based-on-historical-events spin that is now being furiously imparted regarding this piece.
No matter how ABC attempts to back away from this now, it seems that this whole enterprise was a transparently pre-election partisan piece. The intention appears to be historical revisionism for propaganda purposes. A deliberate blending of fact and fiction that would make Leni Reifenstahl proud. Is this really something that ABC and its parent company wish to be involved in? I could understand and applaud the network for taking a principled stand if this were a production of the ABC News department, but this is not that. This is, at best, 9-11 exploitation penned by a partisan shill and friend of Rush Limbaugh, and I cannot respect a network that would air such a thing.
I have been a long time fan of ABC's programming. Please don't force me to give up on your network over something so ridiculous. Although, come to think of it, this IS a good motivation to break my addiction to "LOST", so go ahead and air this drivel if you must. I probably watch too much TV anyways.
And support too many sponsors.
cc. My local ABC affiliate