We are conducting a survey about technology and technology companies. Your opinions are important. Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey.
1. When you think of the most important companies in the world today, what are the first two or three names that come to mind?
Exxon, Haliburton, Carlyle Group
2. When you think of leading technology companies in the world today, what are the first two or three names that come to mind?
3. When you think of the most important technological innovations in the world today, what are the first two or three things that come to mind?
Nanotechnology, stem cell research
4. If you had to choose only one of the following technology companies, which do you think will be the most likely leader in technology 20 years from now?
None of the above
Please indicate if your overall opinion of each of the following companies is very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable, or very unfavorable, or you are not familiar enough to form an opinion?
Very favorable Somewhat favorable Somewhat unfavorable Very unfavorable Not familiar Not sure 5. Microsoft 6. Cisco Systems 7. Google 8. Intel 9. Yahoo! 10. IBM 11. HP 12. Apple
13. Can you name for me any companies that you credit with the continued development of the Internet and the Web?
NO, the interent is being destroyed by the government and big corporations.
14. Which of the following companies do you think provides the best business model in how to manage or run a business?
15. Please name two or three companies which you associate with good ethics and responsible social behavior?
Can't name one, not one.
Now for the same group of companies, please rate their corporate citizenship as excellent, good, fair, or poor?
All rated poor.
24. Now some questions about business leaders.
Who do you consider the top business leader in the world today?
They all suck. Greedy Corporate Capitalists.
Now, for each of the following business leaders, please indicate if your overall opinion of their leadership is excellent, good, fair, or poor.
Excellent Good Fair Poor Not familiar Not sure 33. Steve Ballmer 34. John Chambers 35. Larry Page 36. Paul Otellini 37. Terry Semel 38. Samuel Palmisano 39. Mark Hurd 40. Steve Jobs
41. Which of the following regions do you think will drive innovation in the next ten years?
42. Do you use any of the following products? (Choose all that apply.)
A Microsoft product A Linksys product A Scientific Atlanta product Google An Intel product Yahoo! An IBM product An HP product An Apple product Not sure
43. Which of the following would you say are the most important technologies in the world right now? (Choose only ONE.)
Voice over IP Routing Wireless connectivity Video Not sure Other-Specify
44. What are the first two or three things that come to mind when you think of networks or networking?
Networking refers to the ability to connect, share information and communicate across computers and other devices such as blackberries, cell phones and PDAs. Networking is as simple as sending an email or as complex as the system that would run a modern retail operation or health records in a hospital. Networking is pervasive in our lives, touching the way we communicate, the way we collect information and learn and the way we are entertained.
45. Of the following companies, which one do you most think about about when you think about networking?
Google AT&T Cisco Yahoo! IBM Microsoft Not sure Other-Specify
46. Which one of the following do you consider the greatest challenge facing networks and networking? (Choose only ONE.)
Cost Security Bandwidth Equal access Not sure Other-Specify
47. Which of the following best explains how networking has affected your daily life?
More productive at work Enables you to join and interact with new communities Enhances your entertainment experiences (music, movies, sports) Not sure Other-Specify
Bored, no longer interested . . .