Edited on Wed Sep-06-06 09:33 PM by OPERATIONMINDCRIME
Many say GD has changed over the years. I thought "hmmmmm, I wonder what GD was like 2 years ago?". Since others may have thought that as well, the following is a compilation of what GD looked like on this date 2 years ago. Some good stuff in there. I'm still clickin around myself. It's quite fascinating. :) Who knew? Kerry worked with Nader to expose the BFEE Topic started by blm on Sep-06-03 11:31 PM (58 replies) Last modified by blm on Sep-10-03 05:03 PM Under what circumstances would you vote FOR Bush? Topic started by TDubyaA on Sep-05-03 09:53 PM (115 replies) Last modified by TDubyaA on Sep-09-03 12:02 AM Yoko Ono to Repeat Naked Appeal for World Peace Topic started by kskiska on Sep-06-03 01:04 AM (106 replies) Last modified by G_j on Sep-08-03 07:29 PM Black Box: A plea for mirror space -- from "Make My Day" Topic started by BevHarris on Sep-05-03 06:31 PM (50 replies) Last modified by RedEagle on Sep-08-03 04:07 PM The Gore team choosing Lieberman Topic started by chaumont58 on Sep-06-03 11:37 AM (54 replies) Last modified by dolstein on Sep-08-03 03:02 PM Did anyone else go to Fighting Bob Fest in Baraboo ? Topic started by Kerryfan on Sep-06-03 09:29 PM (12 replies) Last modified by sybylla on Sep-08-03 11:19 AM Was the Soviet "threat" exaggerated by the US in the Cold War? Topic started by RichM on Sep-06-03 01:54 PM (86 replies) Last modified by JVS on Sep-08-03 09:51 AM 70% of Americans still believe that Hussein was linked to 9/11 Topic started by jos on Sep-06-03 08:29 AM (22 replies) Last modified by VermontDem2004 on Sep-08-03 08:51 AM Free Leonard Peltier? Topic started by WilliamPitt on Sep-06-03 07:24 PM (39 replies) Last modified by G_j on Sep-08-03 07:51 AM I wish you all could have heard Bernie Sanders today Topic started by Kerryfan on Sep-06-03 10:49 PM (21 replies) Last modified by punpirate on Sep-08-03 02:36 AM some private schools may not take vouchers Topic started by pstokely on Sep-06-03 08:00 PM (25 replies) Last modified by SoCalDem on Sep-08-03 01:17 AM LIHOP is no longer just a remote possibility Topic started by msmcghee on Sep-06-03 10:13 AM (27 replies) Last modified by Stephanie on Sep-07-03 11:49 PM Was BushSR the gunman in the 'grassy knoll' ? in '63 The OCTOPUS Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 07:55 PM (26 replies) Last modified by Yupster on Sep-07-03 11:15 PM Executive Order 13303 (Or, It's Mine!..all Mine!) Topic started by iangb on Sep-05-03 11:12 PM (12 replies) Last modified by iangb on Sep-07-03 10:52 PM Is Lieberman truly "religious" or is he a fraud? Topic started by IndianaGreen on Sep-06-03 04:25 PM (75 replies) Last modified by Darranar on Sep-07-03 10:51 PM Was Americas entry into WW I Justified? Topic started by TheBigGuy on Sep-06-03 10:54 PM (47 replies) Last modified by Yupster on Sep-07-03 10:49 PM Was The Russian Revolution Justified (the 1917 One)? Topic started by DemocratSinceBirth on Sep-06-03 11:13 PM (44 replies) Last modified by David__77 on Sep-07-03 10:18 PM Blair's former Minister Accuses Bush of Treason by 9-11 LIHOP Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 04:32 PM (36 replies) Last modified by laconicsax on Sep-07-03 09:01 PM are you a socialist? Topic started by ButterflyBlood on Sep-06-03 08:48 PM (186 replies) Last modified by CosmicVortex10 on Sep-07-03 09:00 PM Who do you support for the Democratic nomination? Topic started by CMT on Sep-06-03 10:56 AM (38 replies) Last modified by CMT on Sep-07-03 08:59 PM Here's the Meacher story on Yahoo, give it a Kick Topic started by Must_B_Free on Sep-06-03 06:01 PM (13 replies) Last modified by Must_B_Free on Sep-07-03 08:24 PM The nine definite candidates + one Topic started by Walt Starr on Sep-06-03 10:09 PM (19 replies) Last modified by CoffeePlease1947 on Sep-07-03 08:23 PM I need a reminder. Why is Dean so great? Topic started by HypnoToad on Sep-06-03 06:12 PM (36 replies) Last modified by Nicholas_J on Sep-07-03 07:41 PM I am worried about Reagan or Ford dying before the next election. Topic started by ih8thegop on Sep-06-03 04:32 PM (61 replies) Last modified by ih8thegop on Sep-07-03 06:28 PM This week's Bill Moyers NOW - globalization: rich world, poor women Topic started by Wonk on Sep-05-03 08:06 PM (14 replies) Last modified by spooky3 on Sep-07-03 05:36 PM Let's talk about Skull & Bones again for those who aren't familiar yet. Topic started by Wonk on Sep-06-03 12:18 AM (88 replies) Last modified by TheBigGuy on Sep-07-03 05:09 PM At least two SF Mayoral candidates are replicants! Topic started by Atlant on Sep-06-03 07:43 PM (5 replies) Last modified by Tesha on Sep-07-03 04:45 PM BBV: Serious question here Topic started by nm3damselfly on Sep-06-03 10:17 PM (31 replies) Last modified by RedEagle on Sep-07-03 04:18 PM What do you think of subsidized college tuition for illegal immigrants? Topic started by TheYellowDog on Sep-06-03 01:57 AM (113 replies) Last modified by 0rganism on Sep-07-03 03:56 PM Can Brits on DU tell me why there is "Rally Round Brit Flag" for Blair? Topic started by KoKo01 on Sep-05-03 07:47 PM (24 replies) Last modified by AP on Sep-07-03 03:42 PM A 9/11 hijacking smoking gun, for your reading pleasure Topic started by WilliamPitt on Sep-06-03 04:50 PM (57 replies) Last modified by Generic Other on Sep-07-03 03:28 PM Franken's Book: He's Gotta Be a DUer! Topic started by FlashHarry on Sep-06-03 11:26 AM (32 replies) Last modified by alg0912 on Sep-07-03 03:16 PM Why conservatives want to compel children to say the pledge of allegience Topic started by bluestateguy on Sep-06-03 07:27 PM (63 replies) Last modified by redeye on Sep-07-03 02:51 PM How soon until another Republican declares for President? Topic started by Finnfan on Sep-06-03 12:58 AM (26 replies) Last modified by TheYellowDog on Sep-07-03 02:27 PM Which candidate has the best economic platform for workers? Topic started by lancemurdoch on Sep-06-03 07:15 PM (12 replies) Last modified by TheYellowDog on Sep-07-03 02:25 PM the "but is Dean ELECTABLE?" BS Topic started by nostamj on Sep-06-03 07:01 PM (51 replies) Last modified by Demobrat on Sep-07-03 01:18 PM L. Douglas Wilder for VP Topic started by GBD4 on Sep-06-03 11:34 PM (13 replies) Last modified by ISUGRADIA on Sep-07-03 12:45 PM The Note: Is Dean preparing to change his position on tax repeal? Topic started by Karmadillo on Sep-05-03 12:14 PM (63 replies) Last modified by tjdee on Sep-07-03 12:30 PM If Clark throws his hat in the ring Topic started by Walt Starr on Sep-06-03 09:24 AM (107 replies) Last modified by dbaker41 on Sep-07-03 12:26 PM DU: Thanks for raising my... uh, SPIRITS. (Rated: R) Topic started by nostamj on Sep-05-03 07:18 PM (30 replies) Last modified by nostamj on Sep-07-03 12:25 PM New Zogby...Bush approval just 45% ...reelect 40%...GREAT NEWS!!! Topic started by unfrigginreal on Sep-06-03 12:11 PM (47 replies) Last modified by Woodstock on Sep-07-03 12:10 PM What Barbara Bush thinks of the troops Topic started by pippin on Sep-06-03 12:19 PM (35 replies) Last modified by tom_paine on Sep-07-03 12:07 PM How Far Left Is The Average DUer Topic started by DemocratSinceBirth on Sep-06-03 10:11 PM (35 replies) Last modified by KG on Sep-07-03 12:03 PM Is raising the age for collecting social security racially biased? Topic started by lcordero on Sep-06-03 07:04 PM (31 replies) Last modified by T Bone on Sep-07-03 11:45 AM I Believe Topic started by WilliamPitt on Sep-06-03 04:05 PM (67 replies) Last modified by dbaker41 on Sep-07-03 11:16 AM Who do you think will get the republican nomination in 2008? Topic started by RobertFrancisK on Sep-06-03 07:19 PM (24 replies) Last modified by Pocho on Sep-07-03 11:09 AM Dean speaks for me!! YET AGAIN Topic started by newsguyatl on Sep-06-03 06:29 PM (41 replies) Last modified by Woodstock on Sep-07-03 11:07 AM Ya Know What Clark Has Goin' For Him? Topic started by ThomWV on Sep-06-03 08:16 AM (100 replies) Last modified by Woodstock on Sep-07-03 10:59 AM Kristen Breitweiser's ? why Bush sat in classroom on 9/11 is in print! Topic started by rmpalmer on Sep-06-03 12:14 AM (8 replies) Last modified by leftchick on Sep-07-03 10:55 AM DEANocrats: do you, too, get giddy Topic started by newsguyatl on Sep-06-03 11:54 PM (21 replies) Last modified by Woodstock on Sep-07-03 10:43 AM Well now, here's a nifty little problem for Mr Rove (California, racism) Topic started by DrBB on Sep-06-03 07:14 PM (8 replies) Last modified by veganwitch on Sep-07-03 09:50 AM Was America's Entrance Into WW2 justified? Topic started by ButterflyBlood on Sep-06-03 10:50 PM (31 replies) Last modified by buddhamama on Sep-07-03 09:44 AM Are Americans the stupidest race of people on the earth? Topic started by sasquatch on Sep-06-03 05:00 PM (53 replies) Last modified by Muddleoftheroad on Sep-07-03 09:33 AM Bush thinks he's got a chance in NY '04? Topic started by NewYorkerfromMass on Sep-05-03 04:08 PM (32 replies) Last modified by NewYorkerfromMass on Sep-07-03 09:26 AM BBC -audio stream of Michael Meacher interview - F*ck me:( Topic started by BEFOREATHOUGHT on Sep-06-03 11:56 PM (9 replies) Last modified by Minstrel Boy on Sep-07-03 09:13 AM Bush speech tomorrow night to include serious warnings about Iran Topic started by gristy on Sep-06-03 11:33 PM (29 replies) Last modified by TheBigGuy on Sep-07-03 08:45 AM It is Time for the People of this Country And The Government to ACT..... Topic started by TheWatcher on Sep-06-03 07:06 PM (25 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-07-03 08:17 AM If Jeb Bush were somehow to get the Dem nomination, I think Topic started by Mairead on Sep-06-03 06:13 PM (6 replies) Last modified by CoffeePlease1947 on Sep-07-03 08:16 AM Did you support the invasion of Afghanistan before 9/11? Topic started by Wonk on Sep-06-03 10:41 PM (22 replies) Last modified by CoffeePlease1947 on Sep-07-03 08:12 AM If Jeb Bush were somehow to get the Democratic nomination, I would Topic started by Mairead on Sep-06-03 05:30 PM (12 replies) Last modified by bearfartinthewoods on Sep-07-03 08:05 AM I Can't Live Here Anymore: Pics From Iraq Topic started by BeHereNow on Sep-06-03 09:51 PM (33 replies) Last modified by Clark Can WIN on Sep-07-03 07:59 AM my most expensive tank of gas EVER Topic started by unblock on Sep-06-03 11:34 PM (10 replies) Last modified by treepig on Sep-07-03 07:41 AM McLaughlin Group Consensus - Admin is in full retreat on Iraq. Topic started by alcuno on Sep-06-03 11:50 PM (37 replies) Last modified by radfringe on Sep-07-03 07:35 AM I've decided to back Clark Topic started by FDRLincoln on Sep-06-03 09:42 PM (48 replies) Last modified by Clark Can WIN on Sep-07-03 07:22 AM The AFL-CIO has some organizing jobs open. Topic started by barbaraann on Sep-06-03 09:59 PM (3 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-07-03 06:59 AM If Dean doesn't win the nomination Topic started by pasadenaboy on Sep-06-03 09:39 PM (6 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-07-03 06:58 AM Kerry Is the Candidate Who ... Topic started by OrdinaryTa on Sep-05-03 10:21 PM (94 replies) Last modified by ima_sinnic on Sep-07-03 06:44 AM Altogether Now! NEOCON RADICAL EXTREMISTS Topic started by Beetwasher on Sep-06-03 07:16 PM (7 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-07-03 06:34 AM Working Class Hero Topic started by Q on Sep-06-03 07:41 PM (6 replies) Last modified by Iverson on Sep-07-03 06:00 AM DON'T BUY THE "RISING PRODUCTIVITY" BULLSHIT Topic started by Skittles on Sep-05-03 06:29 PM (31 replies) Last modified by Skittles on Sep-07-03 04:30 AM Krugman on Russert NOW on CNBC -- 10 pm Eastern Topic started by Eloriel on Sep-06-03 10:01 PM (34 replies) Last modified by Bozita on Sep-07-03 04:03 AM Black Box; SLO update -- get tomatoes ready! Topic started by BevHarris on Sep-06-03 06:06 PM (80 replies) Last modified by JetJaguar on Sep-07-03 04:03 AM Report from KC protest today Topic started by MidwestMomma on Sep-04-03 04:02 PM (38 replies) Last modified by graphixtech on Sep-07-03 03:44 AM Did you (Would you have) support America's involvement in Vietnam? Topic started by JanMichael on Sep-06-03 11:03 PM (23 replies) Last modified by DumpGump on Sep-07-03 03:22 AM Dean is not my guy, but Topic started by shugah on Sep-06-03 10:11 PM (8 replies) Last modified by Sean Reynolds on Sep-07-03 02:29 AM Does anyone else think Bush's speech is a sign of desperation? Topic started by diplomats on Sep-06-03 05:56 PM (17 replies) Last modified by IkeWarnedUs on Sep-07-03 02:04 AM Dean Needs to Change His Tax Repeal Plan ! Topic started by stewert on Sep-05-03 07:14 PM (75 replies) Last modified by AP on Sep-07-03 02:04 AM dean supporters Topic started by friendofbenn on Sep-06-03 07:12 PM (30 replies) Last modified by wtmusic on Sep-07-03 02:00 AM CounterPunch: Shiites Humiliate Bush Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 11:59 PM (4 replies) Last modified by Solomon on Sep-07-03 01:44 AM does anyone recall the date of that Bush photo-op with the fake workers Topic started by Lisa on Sep-05-03 07:22 PM (9 replies) Last modified by rmpalmer on Sep-07-03 01:41 AM Arnold says he will "repeal" the car tax and the illegal's liciense law Topic started by mitchtv on Sep-06-03 10:36 PM (14 replies) Last modified by AP on Sep-07-03 01:35 AM Some members of Congress are MUCH more productive than others, yes? Topic started by JanMichael on Sep-06-03 09:10 PM (5 replies) Last modified by JanMichael on Sep-07-03 01:28 AM Tweety is OVER Topic started by Must_B_Free on Sep-06-03 04:41 PM (17 replies) Last modified by beanball on Sep-07-03 01:03 AM Did anybody on DU vote for Bush in 2000 and if you did wuold you admit it? Topic started by southern democrat on Sep-06-03 11:23 PM (12 replies) Last modified by ButterflyBlood on Sep-07-03 01:00 AM Global Warming - the Issue we can ride to success in '04 on. Topic started by TakebackAmerica on Sep-06-03 11:22 PM (11 replies) Last modified by aquaman on Sep-07-03 12:57 AM Brit HUME, Hosting the 1st of 2 Faux "DemoCRAT" Forums Topic started by UTUSN on Sep-06-03 05:07 PM (7 replies) Last modified by beanball on Sep-07-03 12:53 AM "Loony Tunes" (The London Telegraph attacks Meacher) Topic started by Minstrel Boy on Sep-06-03 08:02 PM (13 replies) Last modified by Minstrel Boy on Sep-07-03 12:46 AM Quandry: Who would you choose, Reagan, Bush, or Bush Jr. Topic started by quinnox on Sep-06-03 06:45 PM (28 replies) Last modified by Valerie5555 on Sep-07-03 12:44 AM Bush touts progress in Snake River, ignores admin. mgmt. failures Topic started by bigtree on Sep-06-03 10:34 PM (8 replies) Last modified by bigtree on Sep-07-03 12:44 AM Would you buy a used car from this guy? Topic started by RC on Sep-06-03 11:36 PM (3 replies) Last modified by Melsky on Sep-07-03 12:43 AM Official Guy James Show thread----3pm -please keep kicked!!!!!!!!!!!! Topic started by BeachBuckeye on Sep-06-03 02:39 PM (94 replies) Last modified by JudiLyn on Sep-07-03 12:32 AM Did you support the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11? Topic started by TheYellowDog on Sep-06-03 10:03 PM (116 replies) Last modified by undisclosedlocation on Sep-07-03 12:31 AM Check out this link.......it's very moving Topic started by buff2 on Sep-06-03 11:36 PM (3 replies) Last modified by Eloriel on Sep-07-03 12:28 AM Mama Bush speaking like a true Oligarch (The Iron Heel). Topic started by JanMichael on Sep-06-03 10:38 PM (12 replies) Last modified by stumblnrose on Sep-07-03 12:25 AM ROVE INVESTIGATION UNDERWAY! Topic started by blm on Sep-05-03 11:25 PM (69 replies) Last modified by blm on Sep-07-03 12:24 AM US Open: Henin-Hardenne Wins; Chocolate Makers Banner!! Topic started by stopbush on Sep-06-03 10:01 PM (5 replies) Last modified by CentristDemocrat on Sep-07-03 12:23 AM What should be the number one priority for the Democratic party? Topic started by southern democrat on Sep-06-03 11:08 PM (14 replies) Last modified by pansypoo53219 on Sep-07-03 12:17 AM It's almost midnight. Do you know where your politicians are? Topic started by FloridaJudy on Sep-06-03 11:54 PM (1 replies) Last modified by steviet_2003 on Sep-06-03 11:59 PM Ohio DU posters...are we living in the same state? Topic started by TheBigGuy on Sep-04-03 09:17 PM (30 replies) Last modified by ArnoldLayne on Sep-06-03 11:52 PM Vanity Fair's James Wolcott lacerates MSNBC. Hysterically funny Topic started by Generic Other on Sep-06-03 06:22 PM (11 replies) Last modified by mitchum on Sep-06-03 11:47 PM Graham: Bush ought to apologize when he makes speech Sunday Topic started by GBD4 on Sep-06-03 10:49 PM (7 replies) Last modified by JCMach1 on Sep-06-03 11:45 PM ESPN SUCKS! Topic started by TriadLeftist on Sep-06-03 11:32 PM (0 replies) What did Bush do to punish hijackers ? Nothing. Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 09:55 PM (2 replies) Last modified by webster_green on Sep-06-03 11:11 PM 9/5 Bill Maher Thread: Clark and Fraken On!!! Topic started by Cush on Sep-05-03 11:00 PM (161 replies) Last modified by snyttri on Sep-06-03 11:09 PM Did BushSR/CIA kill Wilcher & Casolaro ? to protect BushSR? letter to Reno Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 08:50 PM (2 replies) Last modified by aquart on Sep-06-03 11:04 PM The Bush administration is encouraging the sale of PCB-contaminated sites Topic started by bigtree on Sep-06-03 09:59 PM (1 replies) Last modified by pansypoo53219 on Sep-06-03 11:02 PM This Ship Naming Stuff is BS! Topic started by maxrandb on Sep-06-03 10:31 PM (4 replies) Last modified by beanball on Sep-06-03 10:57 PM Any So cal(angelinos) Du'rs know rhe Parade Topic started by mitchtv on Sep-06-03 10:28 PM (3 replies) Last modified by mitchtv on Sep-06-03 10:56 PM California Freepers failed fourth grade Civics classes Topic started by Walt Starr on Sep-06-03 10:32 PM (1 replies) Last modified by Gman on Sep-06-03 10:54 PM Ideas for Posters to Protest Asskkkroft's Boston Visit Topic started by RationalRose on Sep-06-03 01:09 PM (8 replies) Last modified by RationalRose on Sep-06-03 10:47 PM DU Kremlinologists: What's Boris Yeltsin up to these days? Topic started by Sufi Marmot on Sep-06-03 09:50 PM (2 replies) Last modified by Sufi Marmot on Sep-06-03 10:36 PM Canadian foriegn affairs Minister says no Canadian troops in Iraq Topic started by HEyHEY on Sep-06-03 10:15 PM (5 replies) Last modified by Newsjock on Sep-06-03 10:36 PM Dean says he has to watch his mouth Topic started by okieinpain on Sep-06-03 02:44 PM (14 replies) Last modified by Eloriel on Sep-06-03 10:25 PM Impressive Edwards ads in South Carolina Topic started by John_Shadows_1 on Sep-06-03 08:36 PM (8 replies) Last modified by DemPopulist on Sep-06-03 10:24 PM A narrowed - down presidential pref. poll Topic started by TheBigGuy on Sep-06-03 07:16 PM (14 replies) Last modified by CMT on Sep-06-03 10:21 PM Great B*sh analogy..... Topic started by LEW on Sep-06-03 09:31 PM (6 replies) Last modified by Hamlette on Sep-06-03 09:58 PM How would you describe Bush? Topic started by AP on Sep-06-03 06:13 PM (14 replies) Last modified by in_cog_ni_to on Sep-06-03 09:58 PM "i`ve been waiting 19yrs to say this" Topic started by rchsod on Sep-06-03 09:26 PM (2 replies) Last modified by rchsod on Sep-06-03 09:55 PM How Democrats can win in the South: Invoke evangelical themes Topic started by bluestateguy on Sep-06-03 07:50 PM (24 replies) Last modified by Kahuna on Sep-06-03 09:52 PM BBV: Additional Co-Sponsors for H.R. 2239 (9/4/2003) Topic started by goobergunch on Sep-06-03 02:28 PM (10 replies) Last modified by SharonAnn on Sep-06-03 09:46 PM Bush I gets a boat, but Freeps still can't let Clinton go Topic started by carrowsboy on Sep-06-03 06:08 PM (4 replies) Last modified by IggleDoer on Sep-06-03 09:29 PM Anyone worried about Clark's... Topic started by robsul82 on Sep-06-03 05:33 PM (11 replies) Last modified by Walt Starr on Sep-06-03 09:29 PM RED ALERT NEW ENGLAND DUers: Ashcroft is coming to Boston Topic started by WilliamPitt on Sep-05-03 04:14 PM (27 replies) Last modified by JimWar on Sep-06-03 09:26 PM Dean labels Bush a "tax shifter" Topic started by poskonig on Sep-06-03 08:08 PM (3 replies) Last modified by gristy on Sep-06-03 09:20 PM BBC (Saturday): Brazil issues Aids drug threat Topic started by Jack Rabbit on Sep-06-03 08:50 PM (3 replies) Last modified by Narraback on Sep-06-03 09:19 PM Bush Admin Is a Fascist State says MLK , Mussolini & Orwell Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 06:47 PM (4 replies) Last modified by baldguy on Sep-06-03 09:12 PM Did BushSR(CIA) have Danny Casolaro killed to protect BushSR ? Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 08:00 PM (7 replies) Last modified by InkAddict on Sep-06-03 09:08 PM Novakula has lost it Topic started by khephra on Sep-06-03 07:16 PM (12 replies) Last modified by DoYouEverWonder on Sep-06-03 09:04 PM Hopi Prayer - Do not stand at my grave and weep. ........ Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 08:59 PM (0 replies) Papa Bush on Paula Zahn's Show Monday Topic started by Marlie on Sep-06-03 06:57 PM (6 replies) Last modified by spooky3 on Sep-06-03 08:52 PM Just wondering...why aren't more women lining up in support of Topic started by Dover on Sep-05-03 02:23 PM (25 replies) Last modified by gottaB on Sep-06-03 08:50 PM New Mexico Lt. Governor endorses Kerry Topic started by Bombtrack on Sep-06-03 08:27 PM (1 replies) Last modified by JI7 on Sep-06-03 08:34 PM Centcom: TOTAL US wounded Iraq 1,450 . TOTAL DEATHS 339 Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 07:01 PM (1 replies) Last modified by bigtree on Sep-06-03 08:31 PM Only 29% Will Definitely Vote FOR Bush, while 41% Will Vote AGAINST Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 07:47 PM (6 replies) Last modified by John_Shadows_1 on Sep-06-03 08:29 PM 9/9/03 – Broward Protests *’s return to scene of crime Topic started by sunscreened on Sep-06-03 02:04 PM (15 replies) Last modified by jiacinto on Sep-06-03 08:12 PM Scott Ritter's: Frontier Justice Topic started by newsguyatl on Sep-06-03 07:17 PM (7 replies) Last modified by WilliamPitt on Sep-06-03 08:11 PM Man bites dog: 'Pubs fight California recall Topic started by wtmusic on Sep-06-03 08:06 PM (1 replies) Last modified by Clete on Sep-06-03 08:08 PM wasnt Poppy Bush in PNAC-Carlyle meeting in WH on 9-11 am ? Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 07:23 PM (3 replies) Last modified by Old and In the Way on Sep-06-03 08:07 PM Will Blondes vote for Arnold? Topic started by angee_is_mad on Sep-06-03 03:13 PM (7 replies) Last modified by warrior1 on Sep-06-03 08:05 PM language "Argh!" Topic started by GAspnes on Sep-06-03 07:49 PM (1 replies) Last modified by renegade000 on Sep-06-03 07:51 PM Is Clark running? Topic started by VermontDem2004 on Sep-06-03 07:01 PM (7 replies) Last modified by Pastiche423 on Sep-06-03 07:38 PM "I have forgotten the delights of a shower," says Iraqi blogger Topic started by JohnyCanuck on Sep-06-03 07:26 PM (1 replies) Last modified by NJCher on Sep-06-03 07:37 PM Can we say FOR CERTAIN there are no WMDs? Well . . . almost. Topic started by skip fox on Sep-04-03 07:19 PM (28 replies) Last modified by Uzybone on Sep-06-03 07:31 PM The craven coward sets a new record every month Topic started by Bluecoller on Sep-06-03 06:22 PM (4 replies) Last modified by w4rma on Sep-06-03 07:31 PM HONEST CONSERVATIVE? Topic started by swinney on Sep-06-03 01:06 PM (21 replies) Last modified by msmcghee on Sep-06-03 07:29 PM Goodbye, Galileo - probe to be flown into Jupiter Topic started by Emperor_Norton_II on Sep-06-03 07:47 PM (0 replies) Who should Gore of chosen as VP? Topic started by ButterflyBlood on Sep-06-03 04:40 PM (40 replies) Last modified by Cheswick on Sep-06-03 07:28 PM Rumsfeld Blames Iraqis for the Lack of Security Top Stories Topic started by acmavm on Sep-06-03 06:13 PM (4 replies) Last modified by webster_green on Sep-06-03 07:18 PM Facilities planned that would repair old nukes designed to build new ones Topic started by bigtree on Sep-06-03 07:15 PM (0 replies) Thoughts on the latest turn in the TX re-redistricting saga Topic started by bluestateguy on Sep-05-03 10:13 PM (4 replies) Last modified by bluestateguy on Sep-06-03 07:07 PM Today's Yahoo "highest rated" stories gives me hope Topic started by priller on Sep-06-03 06:57 PM (0 replies) I watched the debate...please explain what's so great about Dean Topic started by FDRLincoln on Sep-05-03 03:03 PM (105 replies) Last modified by caledesi on Sep-06-03 06:53 PM Few Arabs shedding tears over U.S. losses in Iraq Topic started by Rhiannon12866 on Sep-06-03 06:51 PM (0 replies) What's your opinion of Democrats that voted for the pay increase ? Topic started by kentuck on Sep-06-03 03:37 PM (22 replies) Last modified by greekspeak on Sep-06-03 06:44 PM Deadly force self-defense against rape---ok? Topic started by draftcaroline on Sep-06-03 12:51 AM (78 replies) Last modified by TahitiNut on Sep-06-03 06:43 PM Cute, MSNBC! Play a line or two of Dean, smooch up to Arnie. Topic started by madfloridian on Sep-06-03 05:14 PM (9 replies) Last modified by madfloridian on Sep-06-03 06:35 PM When Halliburton earns who gets paid??? Topic started by nannah on Sep-06-03 03:53 PM (9 replies) Last modified by sattahipdeep on Sep-06-03 06:23 PM Is Bush Really A "Miserable Failure"? Topic started by kentuck on Sep-05-03 11:36 AM (49 replies) Last modified by Cat Atomic on Sep-06-03 06:22 PM I have an idea Topic started by pasadenaboy on Sep-06-03 05:37 PM (1 replies) Last modified by RC on Sep-06-03 06:20 PM Paul Hill is a Hero Topic started by pstokely on Sep-06-03 02:46 PM (20 replies) Last modified by bluestateguy on Sep-06-03 06:15 PM Daily U.S. Casualties 9/6/2003 Topic started by tboullett on Sep-06-03 10:16 AM (2 replies) Last modified by Narraback on Sep-06-03 06:09 PM Did I just hear.............. Topic started by onecitzenBtrayed on Sep-06-03 09:56 AM (20 replies) Last modified by onecitzenBtrayed on Sep-06-03 06:08 PM Remember this poll about Bush and the Zogby Poll? Topic started by TruthIsAll on Sep-06-03 06:07 PM (0 replies) WP: rates "DC 9/11" movie as 'an insult' & 'primitive propaganda' Topic started by amen1234 on Sep-06-03 02:26 PM (35 replies) Last modified by nostamj on Sep-06-03 06:05 PM What's the latest in Cali? Topic started by GOPBasher on Sep-06-03 01:33 PM (19 replies) Last modified by Capn Sunshine on Sep-06-03 05:58 PM CNN hopes retooled Cooper, Zahn shows improve prime-time ratings Topic started by kskiska on Sep-06-03 01:04 PM (7 replies) Last modified by SoCalDem on Sep-06-03 05:51 PM Wow I just finished Treason... Topic started by Neo Progressive on Sep-06-03 08:13 AM (63 replies) Last modified by Beetwasher on Sep-06-03 05:49 PM LIHOP makes it to Yahoo News Topic started by NNN0LHI on Sep-06-03 05:23 PM (3 replies) Last modified by Beetwasher on Sep-06-03 05:35 PM RNC Counterconvention Site Just Got Freeped Topic started by rucky on Sep-05-03 07:19 PM (15 replies) Last modified by sistersofmercy on Sep-06-03 05:28 PM "Hussein Link to 9/11 Lingers in Many Minds" ... well, duh! Topic started by laura888 on Sep-06-03 11:11 AM (6 replies) Last modified by laura888 on Sep-06-03 05:26 PM Howard Dean on cnn live(cali) kicking Ass Topic started by indictrichardperle on Sep-06-03 02:22 PM (34 replies) Last modified by liberalnurse on Sep-06-03 05:25 PM Why Are They Giving the Bastard a Microphone Tomorrow Night??? Topic started by Starpass on Sep-06-03 11:12 AM (29 replies) Last modified by populistmom on Sep-06-03 05:23 PM Shutdown of the net Topic started by dutchdemocrat on Sep-06-03 04:06 PM (18 replies) Last modified by steviet_2003 on Sep-06-03 05:22 PM Here is a summary of Meacher's charges in the article: Topic started by protect freedom impeach bush n on Sep-06-03 05:08 PM (3 replies) Last modified by protect freedom impe on Sep-06-03 05:21 PM The End of United States Topic started by ronatchig on Sep-06-03 10:23 AM (18 replies) Last modified by Astarho on Sep-06-03 05:20 PM Time to take the Bush/Reich 101 quiz Topic started by TruthIsAll on Sep-06-03 05:03 PM (0 replies) Let's try this again: Do you have sympathy for people who enlisted after Topic started by CatWoman on Sep-06-03 02:06 PM (64 replies) Last modified by saskatoon on Sep-06-03 04:55 PM Donate or Else, drug company told staff Topic started by donsu on Sep-06-03 12:45 PM (6 replies) Last modified by oldcoot on Sep-06-03 04:55 PM UN Should DEMAND the Following From the US Topic started by Beetwasher on Sep-05-03 02:04 PM (98 replies) Last modified by TahitiNut on Sep-06-03 04:53 PM A proposal for national health care and how does it compare to Canada’s? Topic started by Clete on Sep-05-03 08:05 PM (66 replies) Last modified by MrPrax on Sep-06-03 04:50 PM A Rovian tactic the Dem must not fall for Topic started by ButterflyBlood on Sep-06-03 04:44 PM (2 replies) Last modified by poskonig on Sep-06-03 04:50 PM The media and the lousy job it is doing Topic started by saskatoon on Sep-06-03 03:25 PM (2 replies) Last modified by pansypoo53219 on Sep-06-03 04:45 PM Cable news race Sept 4 - drudge report Topic started by okieinpain on Sep-06-03 02:28 PM (3 replies) Last modified by UTUSN on Sep-06-03 04:43 PM It's time for another Bush/Nazis thread Topic started by bobthedrummer on Aug-19-03 03:39 PM (160 replies) Last modified by MrPrax on Sep-06-03 04:31 PM McGovern vs. Goldwater Topic started by ButterflyBlood on Sep-06-03 04:25 PM (1 replies) Last modified by JohnKleeb on Sep-06-03 04:27 PM GOP takes on 'leftist' education - CO Recently Separated Gov. & Horowitz Topic started by otohara on Sep-06-03 11:26 AM (30 replies) Last modified by MrPrax on Sep-06-03 04:23 PM Is the right protraying the handicapped and the disabled as the new Topic started by lcordero on Sep-06-03 03:45 PM (10 replies) Last modified by lcordero on Sep-06-03 04:20 PM 70% of Americans: Saddam involved in 9/11 !!!!!!! Topic started by veracity on Sep-06-03 08:39 AM (23 replies) Last modified by RobinA on Sep-06-03 04:20 PM I think Dean would make a terrific VP selection. Topic started by pengpong on Sep-06-03 01:15 AM (13 replies) Last modified by gristy on Sep-06-03 04:16 PM list of Thursday's ESPN NFL Pre-game show with Limpbaugh sponsors Topic started by pstokely on Sep-06-03 04:15 PM (0 replies) Ted Rall nails it again! Topic started by Tripper11 on Sep-06-03 02:49 PM (8 replies) Last modified by blm on Sep-06-03 04:14 PM Whistle Ass Store Topic started by mojogeorgo on Sep-06-03 03:20 PM (2 replies) Last modified by Impeach Whistle Ass on Sep-06-03 04:13 PM What the hell is going on ? Topic started by kentuck on Sep-06-03 01:16 PM (10 replies) Last modified by bvar22 on Sep-06-03 04:05 PM Where's the money going in Iraq? Topic started by jefff on Sep-06-03 12:14 AM (19 replies) Last modified by jefff on Sep-06-03 04:03 PM If there is a problem with the policy, just intensify the propaganda.... Topic started by kentuck on Sep-06-03 03:12 PM (4 replies) Last modified by Clete on Sep-06-03 03:55 PM Is Viet Nam Happening Again? Marine General Blasts Bush Topic started by G_j on Sep-06-03 04:16 AM (14 replies) Last modified by Narraback on Sep-06-03 03:50 PM Ten ways for Davis to beat Ahnuld... Topic started by sherriftruman on Sep-06-03 01:25 PM (4 replies) Last modified by ComerPerro on Sep-06-03 03:44 PM California Recall Topic started by jiacinto on Sep-06-03 12:48 PM (6 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-06-03 03:41 PM prayer booths in Barney Allis Plaza in Downtown Kansas City Topic started by pstokely on Sep-06-03 09:11 AM (21 replies) Last modified by ComerPerro on Sep-06-03 03:38 PM Please read...very interesting Topic started by movonne on Sep-06-03 02:48 PM (4 replies) Last modified by JohnyCanuck on Sep-06-03 03:37 PM What happens to a politician's money when (s)he dies? Topic started by ih8thegop on Sep-06-03 03:33 PM (2 replies) Last modified by ih8thegop on Sep-06-03 03:37 PM Yahoo being freeped Topic started by Lindacooks on Sep-06-03 02:44 PM (4 replies) Last modified by R Hickey on Sep-06-03 03:33 PM CNN...Rumsfeld assessment of Iraq ...equated to "the world of Mr Magoo.". Topic started by Gin on Sep-06-03 12:57 PM (4 replies) Last modified by Gin on Sep-06-03 03:11 PM Why does the media still call Bush "this very popular wartime President"? Topic started by TruthIsAll on Sep-03-03 10:03 PM (13 replies) Last modified by redeye on Sep-06-03 02:55 PM Professional LIAR- Victoria Clarke on cspan2 (NOW) Topic started by indictrichardperle on Sep-06-03 02:12 PM (1 replies) Last modified by chaumont58 on Sep-06-03 02:50 PM You want Critical Mass, I'll give you Critical Mass Topic started by TruthIsAll on Sep-05-03 08:40 PM (10 replies) Last modified by bobthedrummer on Sep-06-03 02:48 PM Minister says war on terrorism a smoke screen Topic started by pippin on Sep-05-03 08:55 PM (14 replies) Last modified by JohnyCanuck on Sep-06-03 02:47 PM Ten Bush forecast scenarios - which one do you think it will be? Topic started by TruthIsAll on Sep-05-03 09:02 PM (9 replies) Last modified by TruthIsAll on Sep-06-03 02:41 PM What four languages does Clark speak? Topic started by RobertFrancisK on Sep-06-03 11:14 AM (19 replies) Last modified by Coffee Coyote on Sep-06-03 02:32 PM If this is what war gets us I don't want no part of it Topic started by NNN0LHI on Sep-06-03 01:24 PM (2 replies) Last modified by bigtree on Sep-06-03 02:28 PM Bush to announce WMD find in Sunday speech. Topic started by Changenow on Sep-06-03 09:02 AM (36 replies) Last modified by radfringe on Sep-06-03 02:25 PM The US asking the UN for help (I may have missed this already but...) Topic started by HEyHEY on Sep-06-03 02:09 PM (1 replies) Last modified by caledesi on Sep-06-03 02:18 PM It's Official - O'Reilly Lied About Opposing Death Penalty ! Topic started by stewert on Sep-06-03 10:40 AM (14 replies) Last modified by stewert on Sep-06-03 02:16 PM Abbas has resigned from PLO...what does this portend? Topic started by kentuck on Sep-06-03 02:33 PM (0 replies) Tom DeLay just says: Howard Dean is Temperamentally Unfit to be in the WH! Topic started by KoKo01 on Sep-05-03 04:22 PM (70 replies) Last modified by InMarin on Sep-06-03 02:15 PM Do you have sympathy for people who enlisted after Nov. 2000? Topic started by wuushew on Sep-06-03 01:20 PM (70 replies) Last modified by lazarus on Sep-06-03 02:01 PM Recall: Georgy Russell Topic started by redeye on Sep-06-03 12:42 PM (9 replies) Last modified by redeye on Sep-06-03 02:01 PM Democratic Response to Bush Speech by Sen. Limp Spine Topic started by TruthIsAll on Sep-06-03 12:41 PM (13 replies) Last modified by bluedog on Sep-06-03 01:50 PM Is this the setup for Sunday night? Susan Schmidt? Topic started by grasswire on Sep-06-03 01:03 PM (5 replies) Last modified by grasswire on Sep-06-03 01:49 PM Some great analysis of Guardian editorial by Meacher Topic started by dutchdemocrat on Sep-06-03 12:04 PM (2 replies) Last modified by maggrwaggr on Sep-06-03 01:48 PM Guy James Show Topic started by jiacinto on Sep-06-03 01:27 PM (4 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-06-03 01:44 PM Electronic Voting Machines: Oooof! Here’s proof Topic started by Rebellious Republican on Sep-06-03 08:25 AM (12 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-06-03 01:42 PM Its starting Topic started by ComerPerro on Sep-06-03 12:35 PM (7 replies) Last modified by Skittles on Sep-06-03 01:30 PM Have you thought about WHY the RWing Hates 'Big Government'? Topic started by Q on Sep-06-03 09:43 AM (24 replies) Last modified by ThomWV on Sep-06-03 01:29 PM Dennis...Hello?!?...Vermont HAS a military: VNG, 4000 strong. Topic started by farmbo on Sep-05-03 11:32 AM (44 replies) Last modified by farmbo on Sep-06-03 01:28 PM who paid the 9/11 attackers? "Strange Attractors" Topic started by donsu on Sep-06-03 01:19 PM (0 replies) Suggestion for potential DU rule regarding the recall Topic started by jiacinto on Sep-06-03 01:02 PM (22 replies) Last modified by redeye on Sep-06-03 01:17 PM A look at today's headlins Topic started by hiphopnation23 on Sep-06-03 01:14 PM (0 replies) right now on the WE channel, JFK:Reckless Youth Topic started by Bombtrack on Sep-06-03 01:08 PM (1 replies) Last modified by DemocratSinceBirth on Sep-06-03 01:13 PM Can US BRIBE UN Countries? Topic started by Beetwasher on Sep-05-03 07:36 PM (24 replies) Last modified by Beetwasher on Sep-06-03 01:12 PM Smirk's temper has him on the phone to National Media, Inc Topic started by donsu on Sep-06-03 12:39 PM (1 replies) Last modified by JackSwift on Sep-06-03 01:08 PM Why are there no anti-war demonstrations ?? Topic started by welshTerrier2 on Sep-05-03 11:47 PM (22 replies) Last modified by frankzappa on Sep-06-03 01:05 PM hilarious must read Crossfire transcript 9/4 - Carville v. Adelman Topic started by grasswire on Sep-06-03 03:18 AM (7 replies) Last modified by grasswire on Sep-06-03 01:04 PM Rather interviewed Rummy in Iraq Topic started by donsu on Sep-06-03 12:29 PM (2 replies) Last modified by Career Prole on Sep-06-03 01:04 PM DC 911 is on Showtime tomorrow night and * gives a speech Topic started by Jamesm9164 on Sep-06-03 11:49 AM (9 replies) Last modified by Amerikav60 on Sep-06-03 01:02 PM Ahhhh....Bush must really be in trouble.... Topic started by khephra on Sep-06-03 12:51 PM (8 replies) Last modified by khephra on Sep-06-03 01:00 PM Byrd Pummels Bush on Iraq - Again Topic started by Cookiedemocrat on Sep-06-03 12:20 PM (2 replies) Last modified by Q on Sep-06-03 12:49 PM Who Killed Montana Power? Topic started by donsu on Sep-06-03 11:53 AM (3 replies) Last modified by disgruntella on Sep-06-03 12:49 PM I subscribed to salon for one month. Topic started by msmcghee on Sep-06-03 02:16 PM (0 replies) Arnold against illegal immigrants getting a driv. lisc. : security threat Topic started by cthrumatrix on Sep-06-03 08:36 AM (17 replies) Last modified by AP on Sep-06-03 12:44 PM Help Me pick this apart this facist propaganda - History Forgotten Topic started by Must_B_Free on Sep-05-03 07:47 PM (16 replies) Last modified by DBoon on Sep-06-03 12:44 PM What will the next civilization be like? Topic started by HypnoToad on Sep-06-03 11:58 AM (10 replies) Last modified by rucky on Sep-06-03 12:42 PM what the Pentagon told Helen Thomas about the dead Topic started by donsu on Sep-06-03 12:00 PM (9 replies) Last modified by uptohere on Sep-06-03 12:41 PM WHO keeps talking about David Icke on CSPAN?? Topic started by Tammuz on Sep-06-03 12:38 PM (0 replies) Oh Puke......A G.W Bush Branding..... Topic started by liberalnurse on Sep-06-03 12:15 PM (4 replies) Last modified by Generic Other on Sep-06-03 12:36 PM U.S. Army Used Media Cover in Iraq for Own Ends Topic started by donsu on Sep-06-03 12:22 PM (1 replies) Last modified by neuvocat on Sep-06-03 12:30 PM Netscape poll: would you vote for Ahhh-nold Topic started by cosmicdot on Sep-06-03 12:15 PM (2 replies) Last modified by peekaloo on Sep-06-03 12:28 PM Does Bush realise he has zero respect outside the US? Topic started by rjbcar27 on Sep-06-03 05:41 AM (19 replies) Last modified by Clete on Sep-06-03 12:23 PM Lest We Forget... Topic started by Champion_Jack on Sep-06-03 10:59 AM (2 replies) Last modified by InkAddict on Sep-06-03 12:20 PM Did I just hear on CNN Topic started by bandy on Sep-06-03 11:44 AM (5 replies) Last modified by readmylips on Sep-06-03 12:13 PM question on switching parties mid-term Topic started by ProdigalJunkMail on Sep-06-03 08:30 AM (9 replies) Last modified by ProdigalJunkMail on Sep-06-03 12:03 PM On the road this morn(9/11 victims name) Topic started by SoFlaJets on Sep-06-03 12:01 PM (0 replies) September 11, 1973. Topic started by greatauntoftriplets on Sep-06-03 09:47 AM (4 replies) Last modified by ComerPerro on Sep-06-03 12:00 PM Can I get the Guy James Show in Dade County Topic started by jiacinto on Sep-06-03 11:51 AM (2 replies) Last modified by Misinformed01 on Sep-06-03 11:58 AM What good would come voting Green? Topic started by fujiyama on Sep-05-03 04:09 AM (283 replies) Last modified by bigtree on Sep-06-03 11:58 AM I have to quit watching Bill Moyers. Topic started by reprobate on Sep-06-03 12:23 AM (30 replies) Last modified by Ilsa on Sep-06-03 11:57 AM We pay a monthly stipend to the IRAQ Army and Ministry personnel. Topic started by Gin on Sep-06-03 10:43 AM (5 replies) Last modified by LittleApple81 on Sep-06-03 11:56 AM This War on Terrorism is Bogus (A Must Read) Topic started by stewert on Sep-06-03 11:33 AM (1 replies) Last modified by Flying_Pig on Sep-06-03 11:56 AM Timothy Bottoms from "That's My Bush!" is Bush in Showtime movie Topic started by RichV on Sep-06-03 11:40 AM (0 replies) Another gun tragedy. Dad kills son in custody dispute: San Diego Topic started by maveric on Sep-05-03 02:50 AM (72 replies) Last modified by slackmaster on Sep-06-03 11:29 AM Do you think Lincoln Chafee will switch parties any time soon? Topic started by TheYellowDog on Sep-06-03 03:03 AM (12 replies) Last modified by Mass_Liberal on Sep-06-03 11:26 AM You know what ? I DID want Kerry, but now after reading all Topic started by bearfan454 on Sep-04-03 10:31 AM (100 replies) Last modified by Woodstock on Sep-06-03 11:15 AM DUERS: * leaning on China for help on the economy? World Bank helps? Topic started by salin on Sep-06-03 11:39 AM (0 replies) Who performed best in the debate? Topic started by arcos on Sep-04-03 09:36 PM (116 replies) Last modified by Woodstock on Sep-06-03 11:04 AM Are both Harkin and Clinton about to support Dean? Topic started by Sean Reynolds on Sep-06-03 12:41 AM (21 replies) Last modified by blm on Sep-06-03 11:01 AM the BIG lie: can't we call the media on this one ???? all media Topic started by amen1234 on Sep-06-03 10:34 AM (5 replies) Last modified by Brucey on Sep-06-03 10:57 AM best damn all around knowledge seekers site on the net...enjoy Topic started by ElsewheresDaughter on Sep-05-03 11:45 PM (9 replies) Last modified by blm on Sep-06-03 10:56 AM HELP: Patriot Act & the IT field Topic started by carrowsboy on Sep-06-03 01:25 AM (2 replies) Last modified by buddhamama on Sep-06-03 10:55 AM NC DU'ers ALERT! ASSCROFT Coming to Durham tomorrow! What sign should I Topic started by KoKo01 on Sep-05-03 10:21 PM (11 replies) Last modified by robbedvoter on Sep-06-03 10:52 AM War on the Bill of Rights (Nat Hentoff) Topic started by Mari333 on Sep-06-03 10:09 AM (3 replies) Last modified by HereSince1628 on Sep-06-03 10:37 AM A Win For The Democrats Is So Easy Topic started by ThomWV on Sep-05-03 08:22 PM (28 replies) Last modified by msmcghee on Sep-06-03 10:37 AM Single Payer Health Care System? Topic started by JefferyD32 on Sep-05-03 02:33 PM (40 replies) Last modified by gottaB on Sep-06-03 10:37 AM The Melting Pot and the GOP's Worst Fear Topic started by Solon on Sep-06-03 07:50 AM (3 replies) Last modified by SpiralHawk on Sep-06-03 10:27 AM No debate coverage tonight for Orlando WMFE and Daytona PBS stations!!! Topic started by flpoljunkie on Sep-04-03 01:44 PM (10 replies) Last modified by cherryperry on Sep-06-03 10:23 AM Bremer's absurd and patronizing comments... Topic started by Ilsa on Sep-06-03 08:44 AM (2 replies) Last modified by teryang on Sep-06-03 10:23 AM Seen in Lexington Ky and e-mailed to me Topic started by alfredo on Sep-05-03 10:51 PM (5 replies) Last modified by Lars39 on Sep-06-03 10:21 AM Please, someone tell me I didn't hear what I thought I heard! Topic started by polmaven on Sep-06-03 09:17 AM (10 replies) Last modified by readmylips on Sep-06-03 10:17 AM Rather interview with Rumsfeld -- Must Watch Topic started by gulliver on Sep-06-03 12:15 AM (1 replies) Last modified by blm on Sep-06-03 10:15 AM Well, Here's What I'm Gonna Do Topic started by ThomWV on Sep-06-03 07:46 AM (7 replies) Last modified by Drifter on Sep-06-03 10:05 AM Is Bush finally resigning on Sunday night? Topic started by Must_B_Free on Sep-05-03 10:15 PM (35 replies) Last modified by TahitiNut on Sep-06-03 09:51 AM Have any of them admit to being wrong (Iraq) Topic started by hadrons on Sep-06-03 07:04 AM (6 replies) Last modified by nomaco-10 on Sep-06-03 09:47 AM Attacked by a Deanite tonight because I was supporting Kerry Topic started by Sweetpea on Sep-05-03 12:10 AM (42 replies) Last modified by Sweetpea on Sep-06-03 09:47 AM New Ben Sargent cartoon Topic started by Paragon on Sep-06-03 01:05 AM (2 replies) Last modified by Brucey on Sep-06-03 09:46 AM Is it true we pulled all our troops out of Saudi Arabia? Topic started by talkinghand on Sep-06-03 01:38 AM (35 replies) Last modified by PATRICK on Sep-06-03 09:36 AM A Call for a Positive Act by Democrats, Liberals and Progressives. Topic started by The Lone Liberal on Sep-06-03 07:40 AM (6 replies) Last modified by Sweetpea on Sep-06-03 09:28 AM Any Mountain Staters out there? Topic started by TheBigGuy on Sep-05-03 09:32 PM (6 replies) Last modified by TheBigGuy on Sep-06-03 09:18 AM Fox news O,Reilly-Hannity slipping in ratings Topic started by PA-DEM on Sep-05-03 09:00 PM (20 replies) Last modified by pstokely on Sep-06-03 09:09 AM Dean's Spanish is a major asset. He should use it. Topic started by BurtWorm on Sep-05-03 11:33 AM (27 replies) Last modified by July on Sep-06-03 09:09 AM My idiot freeper cousin got me thinking today Topic started by jeter on Sep-05-03 11:14 AM (33 replies) Last modified by jeter on Sep-06-03 08:45 AM Should Dems who gave * a blank check step aside? Topic started by CatWoman on Sep-05-03 10:51 AM (87 replies) Last modified by TomNickell on Sep-06-03 08:41 AM US 'Corporate Invasion' Brings No Respite from War Topic started by G_j on Sep-06-03 04:10 AM (4 replies) Last modified by Ilsa on Sep-06-03 08:37 AM I may have got a friend to start doubting Rush Topic started by Neo Progressive on Sep-06-03 07:26 AM (5 replies) Last modified by radfringe on Sep-06-03 08:30 AM Geez - they really ARE criminals! Topic started by veracity on Sep-05-03 10:50 PM (7 replies) Last modified by veracity on Sep-06-03 08:25 AM Gephardt in the debate Topic started by Lefty48197 on Sep-04-03 09:47 PM (30 replies) Last modified by 9215 on Sep-06-03 08:24 AM Sunday night Bush speech - poll Topic started by draftcaroline on Sep-06-03 02:34 AM (23 replies) Last modified by Plaid Adder on Sep-06-03 08:06 AM AOL poll on Bush and the economy Topic started by hadrons on Sep-06-03 07:16 AM (3 replies) Last modified by bfusco on Sep-06-03 08:04 AM Bush's tax cuts create jobs Topic started by Mairead on Sep-06-03 07:58 AM (0 replies) California Double Whammy - A Rove Nightmare?? Topic started by IMRadioactive on Sep-06-03 06:47 AM (2 replies) Last modified by DoYouEverWonder on Sep-06-03 07:38 AM Distant Early Warning. BEWARE Sunday Night and the rest of this week..... Topic started by TheWatcher on Sep-06-03 01:18 AM (18 replies) Last modified by radfringe on Sep-06-03 07:35 AM A Treasure Trove of CARTOONS!!! Topic started by Karenina on Sep-06-03 07:14 AM (0 replies) my prediction on Bush speech Topic started by grasswire on Sep-05-03 05:57 PM (22 replies) Last modified by radfringe on Sep-06-03 07:07 AM Where is Condi? Topic started by loudnclear on Sep-06-03 01:39 AM (8 replies) Last modified by opihimoimoi on Sep-06-03 06:56 AM Screamer Sean Hannity just said "we have peace and prosperity" Topic started by indictrichardperle on Sep-05-03 09:37 PM (13 replies) Last modified by opihimoimoi on Sep-06-03 06:50 AM Bill Moyers NOW is on NOW! (Friday, 9pm CDT -- PBS) Topic started by scarletwoman on Sep-05-03 10:03 PM (4 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-06-03 06:19 AM Guy James is taking over for Mike Malloy, tonight, while he is on vacation Topic started by zidzi on Sep-05-03 09:14 PM (7 replies) Last modified by newyawker99 on Sep-06-03 06:18 AM I found out Cheney and Rumsfeld helped pay my tuition Topic started by Impeach Whistle Ass on Sep-06-03 06:09 AM (1 replies) Last modified by rjbcar27 on Sep-06-03 06:15 AM Politics at the Pump-----some signs The People are waking up! Topic started by theophilus on Sep-06-03 02:24 AM (3 replies) Last modified by JCMach1 on Sep-06-03 05:14 AM Well, we've caught one media break at least.... Topic started by Sagan on Sep-05-03 10:06 PM (5 replies) Last modified by SoCalDem on Sep-06-03 03:58 AM How could ANYONE think Clark entering is a bad thing? Topic started by vi5 on Sep-05-03 09:12 AM (94 replies) Last modified by TacticalPeak on Sep-06-03 03:58 AM * to Address the Nation this Sunday at 8:30 EST Topic started by undergroundrailroad on Sep-05-03 05:27 PM (29 replies) Last modified by Festivito on Sep-06-03 03:51 AM Blind Senatorial Candidate Poll Topic started by rabid_nerd on Sep-03-03 05:38 PM (16 replies) Last modified by EX-CONservative on Sep-06-03 03:48 AM Advance copy of Bush's speech. Topic started by Your Highness on Sep-05-03 10:54 PM (9 replies) Last modified by roguevalley on Sep-06-03 03:40 AM I'm lost....What channel is covering tonights debates? Topic started by liberalnurse on Sep-04-03 02:24 PM (9 replies) Last modified by TheYellowDog on Sep-06-03 03:25 AM I just got home from the Debate...and I talked to Candy Crowley... Topic started by sfecap on Sep-05-03 01:00 AM (38 replies) Last modified by TheYellowDog on Sep-06-03 03:22 AM Naomi Klein, Bush's tool kit for mini-empires Topic started by G_j on Sep-05-03 06:34 AM (11 replies) Last modified by G_j on Sep-06-03 03:19 AM "Helloooo?" Did Dennis catch Dean again? Topic started by wheresthemind on Sep-04-03 11:37 PM (139 replies) Last modified by tameszu on Sep-06-03 03:06 AM If Republicans think Dean is such a loser Topic started by jeter on Sep-05-03 04:36 PM (24 replies) Last modified by Chomskyite on Sep-06-03 03:00 AM Predictions for Bush's Speech Topic started by markses on Sep-05-03 11:29 PM (15 replies) Last modified by VolcanoJen on Sep-06-03 02:57 AM Riley the good Republican governor? Topic started by syrinx9999 on Sep-06-03 02:42 AM (2 replies) Last modified by syrinx9999 on Sep-06-03 02:48 AM NY Times outsources to Holland! Spam in Dutch! Topic started by syrinx9999 on Sep-06-03 01:40 AM (1 replies) Last modified by Maudlin on Sep-06-03 02:34 AM who's more dangerous: Bush or LaRouche? Topic started by ButterflyBlood on Sep-06-03 12:40 AM (21 replies) Last modified by mitchum on Sep-06-03 02:26 AM Democrats Seeking Presidency Denounce Bush Iraq Policy Topic started by Amerikav60 on Sep-05-03 02:09 AM (8 replies) Last modified by gratuitous on Sep-06-03 02:22 AM I have been in this forum for about a month and when I first arrived Topic started by brigadoon on Sep-05-03 10:28 PM (31 replies) Last modified by fishnfla on Sep-06-03 01:59 AM David Obey on CNN NOW Topic started by seventhson on Sep-05-03 11:26 PM (7 replies) Last modified by Bushfire on Sep-06-03 01:38 AM Now I know the REAL reason for the Madonna/Britney/Christina kiss! Topic started by wyldwolf on Sep-05-03 09:30 PM (17 replies) Last modified by rocknation on Sep-06-03 01:30 AM Joe Conason on Bernie Ward Now 11 pm MT Topic started by librechik on Sep-06-03 01:18 AM (3 replies) Last modified by Terwilliger on Sep-06-03 01:27 AM Whem the nomination dust settles::::: There will be the DEMs best man put Topic started by opihimoimoi on Sep-06-03 12:17 AM (2 replies) Last modified by opihimoimoi on Sep-06-03 01:25 AM Bush, don't fund Peru rain forest ruin, say celebrities (me too!) Topic started by bigtree on Sep-06-03 07:15 AM (0 replies) Bernie Ward streaming -- Joe Conason visits Topic started by Bozita on Sep-06-03 01:20 AM (0 replies) Were there any James Dobson/Larry King Threads? Replay soon (midnight et) Topic started by khephra on Sep-05-03 11:52 PM (11 replies) Last modified by julka on Sep-06-03 01:18 AM Is Lieberman the top Dem in many polls because he's the most recognized? Topic started by liberalhistorian on Sep-05-03 11:05 PM (22 replies) Last modified by ComerPerro on Sep-06-03 01:15 AM Sad how we get so happy to see truth on the news broadcasts. Topic started by madfloridian on Sep-06-03 12:18 AM (2 replies) Last modified by Octafish on Sep-06-03 01:14 AM Bush's speach Sunday Topic started by abbyhoffman on Sep-06-03 01:05 AM (1 replies) Last modified by rozf on Sep-06-03 01:09 AM rural areas that mainly vote Democratic Topic started by ButterflyBlood on Sep-05-03 11:48 PM (14 replies) Last modified by ElsewheresDaughter on Sep-06-03 01:07 AM The question remains Topic started by frustrated_lefty on Sep-05-03 11:37 PM (5 replies) Last modified by Booberdawg on Sep-06-03 12:54 AM Republican Fundraiser Highlights 9/11 Attacks Topic started by Tony_FLADEM on Sep-05-03 10:15 PM (2 replies) Last modified by SharonAnn on Sep-06-03 12:53 AM New poll: Hillary in statistical tie with Dubya Topic started by GBD4 on Sep-06-03 12:32 AM (4 replies) Last modified by draftcaroline on Sep-06-03 12:53 AM help please Topic started by dudeness on Sep-06-03 12:37 AM (2 replies) Last modified by dudeness on Sep-06-03 12:46 AM Any takers? www.howarddeanrocks.org for sale. Topic started by caledesi on Sep-06-03 12:24 AM (2 replies) Last modified by caledesi on Sep-06-03 12:46 AM WXIN (Fox Indianapolis) Poll on Bush Topic started by blackcat77 on Sep-05-03 11:38 PM (8 replies) Last modified by pansypoo53219 on Sep-06-03 12:41 AM VNS Data From '02 Midterm Votes Released Topic started by phoebe on Sep-05-03 02:08 PM (6 replies) Last modified by white_rider on Sep-06-03 12:21 AM Breaking: Bush awarded Trifecta Patent # 911911911181818181818. Topic started by TruthIsAll on Sep-06-03 12:15 AM (0 replies) "Syria - U.S. relations get much more tense" (AP) Topic started by Flying_Pig on Sep-05-03 10:49 PM (5 replies) Last modified by steviet_2003 on Sep-06-03 12:06 AM I just NOW finished watching the first Democratic debate Topic started by Enraged_Ape on Sep-05-03 11:30 PM (4 replies) Last modified by caledesi on Sep-06-03 12:01 AM If Democrats think Bush is such a loser Topic started by hedgetrimmer on Sep-05-03 11:46 PM (3 replies) Last modified by hedgetrimmer on Sep-06-03 12:00 AM