Go here and get the info to send them your own correspondence:
Dear Mr. Robinson,
I have a son in Elementary School. He's an impressionable second grader but he loves to read. So we follow a tradition started when I was a kid about 20 years back and in the RIF program and we buy books regularly from Scholastic. Whether it's through the book fair or through the flyers teachers send home my Son loves getting books from you and I love ordering them. It reminds me of my youth and I am happy to help support my son's advancement in reading.
Then I found out that you are helping distribute "teaching materials" about this Path to 9/11 movie. Teaching is right. We are teaching our children that lies are acceptable. That ignorance to the facts is bliss. That propaganda is okay and that neo conservatism and endless war is the path to righteousness.
That might seem like a steep assessment but consider what you are distributing to schools. This movie was created by a right wing conservative who sent this out only to conservative hate mongers like Rush Limbaugh to spin it into positive press. The movie is fictitious when it creates meetings and situations that never existed, blames Clinton for the entire situation and gives Bush a pass on everything. The purpose? To propagandize the public into seeing Bush as some sort of hero and villanize the Democrat.
Facts prove this not to be true.
Clinton tried to pass anti-terror legislation and spending in a 1996 omnibus bill that Republicans still in office today shot down and called into question as illegitimate.
Clinton went after Bin Laden and was accused of "wag the dog" tactics because they said he was covering the Monica Lewinsky affair.
Clinton held weekly terrorism meetings and briefed the incoming Bush Administration as to how grave the threat was.
Bush received a briefing on 8/6/01 that stated how, who and where an attack would happen and Bush blew it off.
Bush went out and declared that he didn't think much about Osama Bin Laden and then while calling opponents to a completely unrelated war Nazi Appeasers who help the terrorists, agreed with the Pakistani Government on amnesty for Bin Laden.
That last report came from ABC so the credibility should be equal to the materials you are about to distribute.
In closing, I cannot allow my son to be propagandized by material that is factually incorrect and is trying to create a false icon while demonizing a President who had little to do with the most terrible attack in our nation's history.
If you distribute this I will pull my son from school and begin a protest at that school. Other parents will join me. After all pretty close to 70% of America agrees with me and we are tired of being lied to. We certainly won't allow our children to be lied to.
I remember the years of Scholastic book fairs and flyers and all the purchases I have made with a nostalgic fondness that drives my dollars back your way to this day.
Please do the decent thing, the right thing to do and do not distribute this to our schools. Our teachers and our children deserve better.
Robert Poole, Jr.
Milwaukee, WI