1. It doesn't really matter what people you send to Congress, or their party, they have already probably been bought off.
2. The directors of one company serve on the boards of other companies, a LOT of the same people control a LOT of the companies out there.
3. Most companies have a PAC, I mean MOST companies have a PAC, and boy 'o' boy you'd be stupid to think they aren't using them. (There are Federal Elections Commission records that prove this:
http://www.fec.gov/finance/disclosure/norindsea.shtml )
The fourth and most important, America is no longer a democracy, if it ever was one. I'm not a communist/socialist, but I am also not a corporatist, and this is complete crap in my opinion:
32% of the wealth (in America) is controlled by the top 1%!!!!!!!!!
57.7% of the wealth is controlled by the top 5%!!!!!
69.8% of the wealth is controlled by the top 10%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah and the bottom 50% only control 2.8%!!!!!!!!