NONE of you have one clue what freedoms we hold sacred. You love that we fight for bushit as long as it's not your kids that are dying. Does any republican read anything of value?
http://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1169You make a key error in your premise. I don't ever wonder why Democrats hate Republicans. Small, narrow minds tend to hate many things. What the poll doesn't reflect is that most Republicans hold their views as a matter of believing in their hearts and minds that the underlying decisions were made essentially in the best interests of our country. In contrast, most Democrats' views basically just reflect their lemming-like adherence to the doctrine of opposing anything Bush or the Republicans do (including even any good news on almost any front on the assumption that it's good for the Republicans). Therein lies the fundamental difference between the parties and their respective approaches to reasoning. Given a brain and a choice, I'd always choose the former
Nice try. We, supposedly, went into Iraq to 'find' WMD, Well! It should have been no surprise that Saddem had them ONCE, WE GAVE THEM TO HIM! The problem was that everyone has said for almost a decade that WE FOUND them all. Scott Ritter, David Kay & Charles Duelfer, Hans Blix ( to name a few) told the world there were no WMD. Everything was found by the inspectors after 1st Gulf War
We NEVER went into Iraq to overthrow Saddam, to 'liberate' Iraq or 'bring democracy to the country'. It would never have been approved by Congress.....ESPECIALLY for the hundreds of billions ( and counting) .The only reason WHY it was is because you have Powell & Cheney lying that we will have a US nuclear attack if we don't go into Iraq.
To link is Iraq( Saddam) to 9-11 is a bold face lie and everyone knows that is total bushit.
Democrats are tired of people not willing to accept the truth that their government lied to them to invade Iraq and get it's oil...SO WE can continue OUR way of life. ( the BEST interest of US??)IF you can sleep at night knowing you deliberately killed 1000's of innocent Iraqis, I have no idea who you are. We are embarrassed to call you American or a Patriot.
The Iran crisis is equally bushit. WE gave Iran their nuclear program....NOW we want them to NOT enrich uranium???You are truly an embarrassing, self-hating American. It's really pathetic, and I feel sorry for everyone of your ilk. The real tragedy is that your misguided, if not willful ignorance if ever the basis of our policy will not only hurt your crowd (which would be your just desserts), but all Americans. It's a shame.