Take a stand. Write your Congress people and tell them "NO!"
Congress has the legal authority to authorize tribunals; tribunals that must follow the law. Any request from Bush that contradicts the law should be met with a resounding "NO!" from Congress.
Congress should also hold Bush accountable for the military tribunals he instigated without the authorization from Congress, and which did not follow the law.
http://www.cdt.org/security/011129aclu.pdf#search=%22section%20836%2C%20UCMJ%2C%20Congress%20authorizes%20military%20tribunaLS%22America usually just lies to itself and the world about it's crimes...and when enough time passes, people look back and claim, "that was the past, America is different now"...
How many times do Americans get to say "that was the past, America is different now" when we know it's not the past unless justice is served and the guilty held fully accountable?
Only by seeking justice can America say "that was the past, America is different now"
Waiting on time to take care of the ugly caused by America is the cowards way out. Time has never healed all wounds and it never will. Seek justice. Seek accountability.
Do what you can - but never pretend that there will be a time when "all this" is over.
Time will never erase America's war crimes but seeking justice will help America to grow - to regain her footing. Holding the guilty accountable will not ruin America - she will be able to move forward knowing she did what was right. There is no shame in admitting your country is wrong - there is continued shame in pretending your country isn't wrong when she so clearly is in the wrong.
Germany did not fall - Hitler did. Sure, it was painful but Germany is still around.
America will not fall - the Bush Regime will. And it won't even take a war - just Congress doing it's duty to the Constitution.
Sad that something so simple as duty to the Constitution requires a think-tank in today's America. That's how corrupt the government has become. Following the Constitution, or not following it, is now a tactic of political expediency. If it's not good for a candidate's election or a Congress person's re-election to follow the law, they won't follow it from fear of losing their seat. Their seat is more important to them than the Constitution.
Yes, it will be painful..but so? I'd rather the pain of justice being served than the pain and shame of America whitewashing her crimes.
Write Congress. Write LTE. Scream it from the rooftops. Demand justice. Demand accountability. Demand a new beginning for America. The path of lies and cover-ups America has been on has done nothing to serve the cause of the people - and it never will.
And yes, some in Congress will ignore us - they're ignoring us already. But you still have to try
So write Congress - because it's our duty.