This is exactly what I have been ranting about since they declared this stupid war on terror. It drives me stark raving crazy. And people just buy into it and get sucked down the hole, swallow it all hook, line and sinker. I don't get it. Are people really so stupid that they can't see through all this crap??? I mean, I'm just an average schmuck - no brilliant visionary mind in my head - but I figured this ploy out a long time ago, yet no one else seems to have (by that, I mean a large portion of the public - even people who no longer approve of shrub). Anytime an administration uses one of these "war on {fill in the blank}" phrases, that's ALL it is - a political CATCH PHRASE - NOT a real WAR.
The Bush admin. uses the "war on terra" as the foundation of nearly all of their policies. It's their battle cry for nearly everything they've done, yet it's all comletely BOGUS!!! To me, this is (one of) the roots to this stinking, rotting mess they've gotten us into.
Thank you for saying this and saying it well. And unlike the others, I am all FOR a "War on Ignorance"!!