Terrorism Neo-Con Definition: A buzz-word best used in a gross propaganda campaign in a largely undefined way, to evoke fear in the masses as a means to suppress civil liberties and launch global war.
Actual Definition: A technique used by those incapable of defeating a regular army in open combat.
Disney Definition: What Bill Clinton practiced and promoted the world around so that he could chase women around the oval office.
Insurgency Neo-Con Definition: Ungrateful terrorist sympathizers that are against freedom and democracy.
Actual Definition: Local people against the take-over, occupation and destruction of their country by a foreign power. Also known as “occupation resistance.”
Disney Definition: The people who introduced Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinski.
War on Terror Neo-Con Definition: See “Terrorism.” Buzz-words used in a gross propaganda campaign in a largely undefined way, to evoke fear in the masses as a means to suppress civil liberties and launch global war.
Actual Definition: No real definition, as this phrase is an oxymoron; it is impossible to actually declare war on a tactic of war, which is what terrorism is.
Disney Definition: What Bill Clinton never focused on because he was too busy sinning.
Liberal Neo-Con Definition: A massive global wide group of devil worshipping terrorist sympathizers that must be immediately stopped. Their current agenda consists of taking every persons gun away, killing everyone’s babies, and forcing everyone’s children to become homosexual.
Actual Definition: Broad-minded; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or traditional forms. Also known as “Progressive.”
Disney Definition: Bill Clinton’s best buddies, when he wasn’t chasing women around the oval office and ignoring national security.
Democracy Neo-Con Definition: A form of government hand picked by the U.S. State Department, usually installed in countries whose resources or labor pool, multinational corporations with strong lobbies, wish to exploit for profit.
Actual Definition: A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
Disney Definition: Something that survived even though heathens like Bill Clinton tried to destroy it.
Fascism Neo-Con Definition: See also ”fascist.” Anyone that the United States wants to go to war with.
Actual Definition: Single party control, historically caused by a merger of Corporate and State power.
Disney Definition: A system of government that Bill Clinton could freely chase women around in.
Socialism Neo-Con Definition: A tool of the devil used to bring about the destruction of western civilization as everyone knows it.
Actual Definition: An economic system advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods and services.
Disney Definition: What Bill Clintons best buddies practiced.
Dictator Neo-Con Definition: A leader of any country that does not agree with the United States, and needs to be “liberated” from his position.
Actual Definition: One holding complete autocratic control, and ruling absolutely and oppressively.
Disney Definition: What Bill Clinton would have become if the god-sent republicans didn’t depose him and that other sinner Al Gore.
Capitalism Neo-Con Definition: The best economic system in the world. It works best when the richest ten percent of the social strata pay absolutely no taxes, and have absolutely no laws or restrictions governing their behavior or morals.
Actual Definition: An economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, and by investments that are determined by private parties.
Disney Definition: Something that Bill Clinton tried to do away with.
Islam Neo-Con Definition: Devil Worshipers. Almost as bad as Liberals, in that they wish to bring about the end of western civilization as everyone knows it.
Actual Definition: The religious faith of Muslims including belief in Allah (the god of Abraham, the same god that Jewish, and Christian faiths worship) as the sole deity.
Disney Definition: If devil worshipping heathens like Bill Clinton actually were capable of being religious, it would probably be the Islamic faith.
Liberate Neo-Con Definition: To remove a government, usually in an area which has resources or labor that are needed by U.S. multinationals, and install one that will be more agreeable.
Actual Definition: To set free from occupation by a foreign power.
Disney Definition:What the republicans did for the U.S from that heathen Al Gore in the 2000 election. He was almost as bad as Bill Clinton.
Nationalism Neo-Con Definition: Flag waving and jingoistic recital to keep the people in a country “proud to be whatever-they-are” and easier to control. Also known as “mob mentality.” Works best when the group has a common enemy to focus their hatred and vitriol on.
Actual Definition: A sense of national consciousness exalting one nation above all others and placing the primary emphasis on promotion of its culture and interests above others.
Disney Definition: Bill Clinton sucks. He kicked my dog the other day.
Media Neo-Con Definition: A tool of the government to promote propaganda. At least it will be when the Liberal bias is taken out of it, and it gets bought out by a handful of corporations.
Actual Definition: A medium of cultivation, conveyance, or expression.
Disney Definition: What Bill Clinton used to get his message of sin out to good god fearing Americans.