never mind the fact that the *entire* fucking point of having a grass fed label is to eat meat that has been grazed and raised naturally, not standing in apen with a few hundred or a few thousand of it's miserable kin ankle deep in their shit and urine and unable to turn around and requiring anti-biotics so as not to get to get sick from the disgusting living(?) conditions.
originalUSDA on 'grass-fed' cows: confine 'em and let 'em eat corn stalksPosted by Tom Philpott/
gristmillCows that feed solely on pasture perform a valuable service: they transform what's inedible to us -- grass -- into a rich source of protein and other nutrients. And when such cows are raised in moderate numbers, they can actually improve the health and biodiversity of grasslands. Moreover, cows evolved to eat grass, so the pasture model is clearly the most animal-friendly way to create beef.
To me, the grass-fed concept exemplifies responsible agrarianism: it's energy efficient (it relies on no vast, petroleum-guzzling corn fields), it enhances rather than degrades the ecosystems it relies on, and it forces us to eat mindfully and in season.
If we insisted on raising all of our beef on ample pasture, every American would be able to savor the privilege of eating beef only, say, every couple of weeks -- and less during the grazing season, when cows are fattening up.
Which sounds about right to me.
Leave it to the USDA -- that hothouse of food-industry flackery -- to attempt to screw it all up.
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