The ad is for Kirsten Gillibrand running for Sleezey (John) Sweeney's seat.
The ad stars David Strathairn (resident of CD 20) in his role in 'Good Night and Good Luck' as Edward R Murrow saying:
“A politician who rides roughshod over the truth and resorts to personal attack: no, not the junior Senator from Wisconsin in 1954, the Congressman from NY's 20th district today. John Sweeney hasn't just attacked Kirsten Gillibrand he stooped to attacking her family as well. Someone once stood up to the biggest bully America has ever known and asked, "Have you no decency sir?" It is time for us to ask the same of Mr. Sweeney because in America someone always gets the last word, the people.”
It's just great. Kirsten is picking up in the polls, Sweeney is below 50% now.
If anyone has a few spare bucks please donate to her campaign. We are all working very hard to win this one.
The ad is here: