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Who benefits? It's a free campaign commercial..that's all it is.

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Home » Discuss » Archives » General Discussion (01/01/06 through 01/22/2007) Donate to DU
SoCalDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-07-06 06:36 PM
Original message
Who benefits? It's a free campaign commercial..that's all it is.
Edited on Thu Sep-07-06 06:37 PM by SoCalDem
The GOP should be made to re-imburse for the entire cost of the film.

No one "learns" anything new from it, since they are saying upfront that it's FICTION...

So who stands to gain?

Not any democrat..


EVERY republican candidate does because the democratic "players" are portrayed as flatfooted..(remeber how vilified Berger has been in the media for the document flap)

the media has PRE-dissed ALL these democratic administration people for at least 10 years, so why stop now..

It's "safe" for them to twist the knife, because the public will readily accept it...They have been pre-conditioned.

the public does not benefit.. we SAW IT HAPPEN...LIVE..

The ONLY people who benefit are the Bushies, (and their fellow GOPers) because it paints them as the recipients of "bad luck".....

The daily goings on inside ANY administration is privileged communication, and they know it.. So it's safe to be "creative"..and by bringing it up, they only pile more shit on the Clinton administration... and's safe to do that because of the public drubbing he got for 10 years...They have de-fanged Clinton, and they know it..

I know he wrote a letter, but all the press ever mentions about BC is the Monica-debacle..

It's a crafitly created GOP commercial, disguised as a "movie"..

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Rosemary2205 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-07-06 06:37 PM
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1. My guess is they already paid
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Karenina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-07-06 06:39 PM
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2. Goebbels only wished...
Ah, technology.
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