Please don't anyone cry to me about censorship or license-threats from Democrats. Ever. Again.
September 7, 2006
CBS Affiliate General Manager Says 9/11 Clearly Violates New FCC Rules
Your local manager needs to see this! Please forward this information to him.
Dear xxxx,
CBS will air their program 9/11 this coming Sunday evening. The program contains much obscene language. CBS has said they absolutely will not mute the obscenities.
Rick Jordan, General Manager and Vice President of CBS affiliate WBOC-TV in Salisbury, Maryland, had this to say concerning the obscene language:
"This program contains elements which CLEARLY violate the Federal Communication Commission’s NEW indecency guidelines and policies. While this program has aired two other times on our station in past years, this program's content is now in direct violation of the FCC's recently revised and enacted indecency rules.
"WBOC is granted a license to serve the public by the FCC, and as a federally licensed television station, the station is required to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the Federal Communications Commission. The FCC has refused to make any exception to their new rules for stations that choose to air this show and violate these new policies. WBOC intends on complying with our requirements as public trustees by airing an alternate program."
Take Action
Do your local CBS affiliate a favor. Ask them to refuse to air 9/11, or at least, air it after 10:00pm local time. The station stands to be fined $325,000 for each indecent incident they air. Your CBS affiliate could end up paying millions of dollars in fines. I know you don't want that, and we don't want that. But we also believe that CBS should play by the rules.
Please forward this email information to your local station manager today!
To find you local station's email address, Click Here. If it is not available, you can call your local station and ask them for a valid email address.
If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
Let's see if they can get this 9/11 movie that DOESN'T deliver the Conservative message yanked.