is that the effort to bullshit the public is more obvious than normal this time (probably because fundies made it, they don't do subtlety.) Instead of getting up in arms about this, "The Reagans" or whatever bit of nonsense they're trying to stuff down the public maw this week and letting all the advertisements, the political hit pieces, the "news" that's corporate and political PR sandwiched in between gossip pass by without objection, let's all work on getting people to hone their bullshit detectors and turn the idiot box off!
There is a reason that Americans are more susceptible to political manipulation and propaganda than any other first world people- it's because they are largely lulled into complacency by the magic talking box because they don't read. The real goal should not be to eliminate PT911 or it's more obvious mistruths, the goal should be to get people to get people to turn the mind control device in their living rooms off and start thinking for themselves again.