,...and deceived the entire nation, attempted to deceive the world, into "supporting" their crimes (still workin' it: "9/11/ 9/11 9/11, blah, blah, WMDs WMDs, blah blah, "freedom", "victory", "terrorists" blah, blah, blah). DAMN!!! Georgie puddin' pie sounded so much like the "supreme minister" (or whatever the evil man) in the movie, "V for Victory", lately, I took steady note of his manipulative, machiavellian bullshit in spite of my visceral reaction and avoidance of seeing/listening to the man.
THEY, our government, the NEOCONS,..INTENTIONALLY conspired to by-pass not only federal laws, conventions and national agreements,...they INTENTIONALLY conspired to challenge/violate the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.
WHAT HUMAN BEING, whether coffee or flour or democrat or republican or male or female or ANY religious affiliation or not can accept, without any consequences, the foregoing TRUTH & REALITY?
This life, on this planet, while we breathe,...is man-made. Get that? MAN-MADE!!!! Don't pull GOD into this MAN-MADE deception and manipulation and abuse and violent crime against humanity,...division of humanity FOR PROFIT. God didn't inspire these men. Trust me on this.
UNLESS, you believe, GOD IS HATE AND WAR. If that is your belief, you are below skeptical and cynical,...you are the deliverer of death and destruction while spouting rationalizations (as all the demons within humanity will) screaming proclamations of protecting lives only GOD can deliver. This world will never be wrecked by the likes of you 'cause the universe is bigger and will adapt/adjust to such insanity.
Meanwhile, too bad ya'll did not take advantage of the "GOD-given" will, the natural opportunity to "choose" to opt out of the "zone of destruction" rather than the "axis of peace",...an "axis" which includes one race, the human race.
Love & Peace to ALL, --Leslee