"If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call to
make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you
~ Stephen Levine, American author and counselor
Sometimes we get so caught up in the demands of the day, we forget
the importance of letting those we care about know how we feel. We
keep putting off that phone call, or writing that quick note, or
even walking into the next room and giving that special someone a
quick hug and a smile. Sure, we may tell ourselves that we'll get
to it as soon as we have time, but then other demands get in the
way. Right now, this very minute could be the perfect moment for
you to pick up that phone, write that note, or extend that hug and
smile. After all, some things can never be done too soon, and even
if they could, too soon is always better than too late.
If you would like to listen to today's heartfelt blessing, click
http://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?BB03K_yc7ULfllAYTWqRYAAnd until next time...
Know that you are loved beyond measure and a cherished blessing to
May your day be filled with all things good,
Today's heartfelt blessing may be accessed on-line here:
http://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?Yw0Gk8Lb6_Y6qfG_45cJUAThe May You Be Blessed movie is available for viewing here:
http://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?o.YKqHbeMk6gB69jS4.RIAIf you are not a subscriber to the daily version of Heartfelt
Blessings but would like to be, you may subscribe here:
http://clicks.aweber.com/z/ct/?fKpiXB1pzQqBI395rPl95gPlease feel free to forward this message to others.
© copyright 2006 by Kate Nowak, Live More Abundantly Productions.
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