Tony Snow, White House Press Secretary, recently announced that pResident George Bush had read "three Shakeapeares" over the Summer. The following is an excerpt from a recent press conference.
Newspaper Reporter: "Mr. pResident, which are the 'three Shakespeares' you read recently?" pResident Bush: "Hamlet, Romeo, and Juliet." ABC 'News' Reporter: "Mr. pResident, do you think that President Clinton's obsession with reading ACTUAL books is the reason he like, TOTALLY, didn't kill Osama bin Laden or was it the Monica Lewinsky Scandal?"
Slight muttering as the White House Press Corps looks uncomfortable, settles down a little further away from ABC 'News' Reporter.
Helen Thomas: "Mr. pResident, you do realize, of course, that Romeo and Juliet is one play, don't you, Sir? That would mean you had read only 'two Shakespeares.'" pResident Bush: "Today we are pleased to announce the foiling of another Terrible Terror Plot. Three men were stopped in Los Angeles while carrying violin cases containing hammers. While they weren't within 30 miles of it, we suspect that their ultimate target was Los Angeles Airport. Gonzales has the details, but I believe their Terrorist Cell went by the name of 'Larry, Moe, and Curley.'" ABC 'News' Reporter: "Mr. pResident, do you think that President Clinton's failure to move earlier against slapstick comedians lead directly to the 9/11 Attacks?"
Press Corps mutters, one to the other, even more noticeably. There is now a space of three empty chairs around the ABC 'News' Reporter.
pResident Bush: "Any other questions?" ABC 'News' Reporter: "Yes, sir. Will you autograph my copy of The 9/11 Commission Report - Revised Edition just published by Disney Books? Available for $14.95 for a limited time at www.abcnews.com"