Dear Senator Mitchell, As one who once held you up as an example of the future of the Democratic Party I was deeply disturbed to note that you have so far failed to distance yourself from an obvious political ploy by the worst elements of the Republican Party just prior to the November elections. While I certainly understand the need of a man to provide for his family financially (I am in my ninth month of being 'outsourced' by Bush's 'growing economy') I fail to understand how any money, no matter how much, can salve a conscience which must be screaming from the blows of a hatchet job on your former colleagues. If Disney can find it inappropriate to show a political documentary prior to an election ("Farenheit 9/11" - a decision I happened to agree with) how can they possibly justify broadcasting a fiction which espouses an even more extreme (not to mention simply contrary to established fact) view?
Finally, Sir, have you no shame?