ever mentioned the disenfranchisement of the American people, with Bushite corporate controlled electronic voting systems, run on TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY programming code--a fascist junta over our election system that was engineered by the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress, Tom Delay and Bob Ney (abetted by Bilderberg 'Democrat' Christopher Dodd), and was fast-tracked into place, with a nearly $4 billion electronic voting boondoggle, during the 2002-2004 period.
I've often wondered about some of the leftist commentators (Counterpunch comes to mind, also Democracy Now), who don't seem to feel that democracy is the remedy for Corporate Rule and its ugliest face, the Bush Junta.
Franken, I wrote off a long time ago--as a gooey-brained apologist for the Democratic Party establishment (which appears to me to have colluded on the "trade secret" vote tabulation).
The left sometimes resembles the right in its lack of faith in the American people. The leftist commentators sometimes take satisfaction from calling us all "sheeple"--stupid, asleep, uninformed, uncaring. The fascist news monopolies create and reinforce that view by giving a Big Trumpet to a rightwing minority, far out of proportion to its numbers, thus making the minority of killer 'christians' and greedbags seem like the majority. And soft-brained "centrists" like Franken chime in from a supposed "leftist" program that the Democrats have to "get their message out" and that will put everything right. None pay any attention to the issue and approval polls over the last 3 to 4 years that fairly SCREAM at you that there is a large progressive-to-leftist majority in this country that is being ignored, marginalized, disempowered and disenfranchised by nearly EVERYBODY with any significant platform from which to speak. (The only exceptions I know of are Randi Rhodes, Sam Seder and, until recently, Mike Malloy, on AAR.)
Private corporate BUSHITE-controlled TRADE SECRET, PROPRIETARY vote counting.
So, I hope Amy wakes up from HER slumber, and blisters Al Franken with some questions about our Democratic leaders' MIND-BOGGLING SILENCE on the Bushite corporate takeover of our election system.
Please correct me if I'm wrong about Amy, and she HAS done any significant reporting on this. Until Mike Malloy was axed, I had replaced Democracy Now with AAR, for whatever time I have to listen to radio. So I'm not current on Democracy Now coverage of issues.
I do think that Democracy Now (and Counterpunch, for that matter) are great public information/opinion services in many ways. I've just noticed this GAPING HOLE on the left (in the Nation as well), on what I consider THE most important factor in the loss of democracy in the U.S. and the destruction of our country--loss of the power of the vote to change our nation's course.