Well, there I was, posting on various threads about a letter I'd just sent to Disney, per all the wonderful listings MADem provided. I had two links. That one, AND another from a different thread that compiled them all together in an easy gmail package. But the links were evidently faulty. NOT on the originals, mind you, OR the one in the Five Star thread. Just in the individual posts. So, corrected:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=106x8816#28888 Shit! I am SO sorry!
In my eagerness to spread this around, these goofy links are in several places now, so this is at least one feeble attempt to correct it. My deepest apologies!!!
Good catch by blm.
My letter to Disney:
PLEASE do the right thing. Not the "right" thing (as in pandering to the so-called "right" wing of American politics. PLEASE don't slander or libel the Clinton administration! "The Path to 9/11" is filled with lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and deceptions. PLEASE don't put it on the air! I don't want to feel compelled to stop watching ABC, or joining the growing boycott of ABC sponsors. But if this despicable miscarriage of truth and justice is allowed to air, I'm going to have to do both those things.
PLEASE pull this awful program!!!
Thank you.
Anyway, hopefully, once I post this and double-check, the links work.
As Lucy once said in the "Peanuts" comic strip - "I'm never quite so stupid as when I'm being smart."
OKAY - updated with just the one link. I checked it a second time ('cause the first attempt didn't work, either) and evidently I can only post one link back to another DU thread. So it's the Five Star thread. MADem's Disney email collection is post 169, "Part Sixty," and post 173, "Part Sixty, Third Add" - with material from DUer bushmeat.
Again, my apologies!